
Temple of Doom is the divisive movie in the series.

I wish I liked Modest Mouse but I cannot stand the lead singers voice. Always been nails on a chalkboard with me.

I saw this last night and I am completely baffled by the great reviews. Its well acted and decently made but its not about anything. There's no real suspense or conflict. It has 10 minutes of story and that's it.

Cameron is so much better than Bay that its not even close. It would nice if Bay had even a tenth of the idea of story structure and how to shoot action that Cameron does.

Great movie. T2 is great too. But then again I love Cameron which is pretty much a minority opinion here. I feel like he gets a lot of flack on the internet.

After Tilda she's the best thing in it. She has one scene and nails it.

But the filler to me is the best part of the book. The history of Derry's dark underbelly is fascinating and riveting.

Good point well at least it will look great.

Dr. Sleep is terrible. 11/22/63 is great.

I thought the American Pastoral trailer was great. It looks incredibly well shot for a debut director.

Sort of topic but has anyone read Night Shift recently? What a masterclass in short story writing.

What is your favorite/scariest section of It?

The best thing about It is the town history sections. The prologue, the black spot, the standpipe and more are just fantastic pieces of writing. It is a book with so many highs I can ignore the terrible ending and the orgy which he clearly wrote while raging on coke.

I remember seeing The Last Broadcast after all the rave reviews and found that the 3rd act twist was so dumb. I really don't see why people rave about the film. Then again I love Blair Witch.

I get that but could they have not made the character a bore.

But he is the center. If the show is about the justice system failing this character than why do i care if the character is dull. This also made all the jail scenes interminable because I really couldn't care less that Naz was getting hardened or whatever.

The primary problem I had with the show was that Naz was a boring character. I'm not seeing this emotionally involving character that you guys saw. There was nothing there.

Interesting that just seems like a contradiction to me.

I've never read Constatine (never read any comics to be honest) so I just really liked him in the movie.

Why did you watch Hard Eight a third time if you don't like it. Clearly you don't like it if its not memorable.