
Under The Dome was schlocky and awful. 11/22/63 was legitimately great though.

I actually think Keauu Revves is great in Constantine. I disagree. Also despite its many problems it has a lot of great idea such as its version of Hell and Constantine gets there, the devil, Tilda Swinton, and a few other things.

I think it definitely still hold up. The plot is still goofy but its imagination and visual aesthetics are wonderful. Luc Besson also knows how to shoot action better than most action directors.

I don't have kids and it's one of the best films of the year so far for me.

The script for Super 8 is a mess. It feels like he had several different ideas and forgot to pick one. Stranger Things does the same thing but better.

I was going to buy this the day it came out but endless mining and inventory management does not sound interesting.

How is the book?

Kind of have to agree. Bourne Identity is great but I will always have a deep abiding love for Go.

Verbinski's The Ring was great. Back when he was an interesting director.

It is his best film.

That's true. Both productions also fought available motel rooms and both productions went to the same bar in Marfa.

Very good film. Great script. Wow 1999 was great.

which one?

Fantastic book though. Skip the adaptation which doesn't work at all and read the book.

The top 4 should be:


Looks amazing.

Disagree completely Anne Hathaway earned that Oscar with her big number. That's a great performance.

If anyone should have gotten the Oscar that year it was Joaquin Phoeinix for The Master. My hatred for the movie is well documented here but that's an incredible performance.

Bleed American is such a good album and Futures is pretty underrated.