
I'm not saying this makes it good but I find Magnolia fascinating at how autobiographical it is. I mean you realize how much of it was pulled from his life (which you can partially glean from various interviews) you realize the movie is like an open wound.

What he was trying to say is that the movie is pretty singular for him. At least that's what he said on the Marc Maron podcast. The movie is extremely autobiographical about trying to deal with his dad who had died of cancer. I think he regards it as a film he had to make at that time.

its just really dull. Great acting but there is nothing engaging for me. I mean at least it looked beautiful. I was shocked at how many dull shots there were in Inherent Vice.

I would be happy to watch any of his films before The Master again and again and have but IV and The Master felt like it was made by some other terrible filmaker. I would be shocked if he made a feature film again or any time soon.

Loved his early films up to including There Will Be Blood. They were fantastic. The Master and Inherent Vice were terrible though.

Just so you know Anderson left Pinocchio months ago. Ron Howard is making it,

Except Magnolia is great.

The review doesn't seem to mention what the catastrophe is.

So now all I care about is the ending. Wheres the spoiler space?

Grosse Point Blank is so endlessly re watchable. Aside from how funny and well acted it is I like how laid back it is. It never really tries for big broad jokes and most of its best and most charming moments are character specific. Abrupt ending though

Mystery solved. that makes sense

This is the first time that I have consistently enjoyed anything Ryan Murphy has done. I mean American Horror Story always descends into terrible writing, I couldn't get through Scream Queens, and Glee went downhill fast. I wonder why he was able to maintain the quality over a season.

I wouldn't call Hologram lazy at all. It has too much heart for that. And story and substance.

A Hologram For A King was great. Too bad the film looks awful.

I think the review is saying the last album was pretty good and so is this.

Boy there's a lot of hatred for Weezer here. I really like this album so I guess I'm in the minority.

Agree with everyone else that aside from the dated tech this is still a great movie. The premise is so good and the script and direction is rock solid. Which is interesting because I feel like I read the first director right at the start of shooting but you certainly don't detect any trouble on screen.

I wouldn't call Good Night Good Luck disengaged at all.

This movie is more interesting than actually successful. In fact as far as directing goes Good Night Good Luck is his only fully successful film and that is great.

The first book is one of the scariest and unsettling books I've read in a long time. Can't wait for this.