
thank you

Despite my dislike for the film the 70MM print I saw of The Master was gorgeous. I hope i have the same experience with Hateful and not a breakdown.

Ashley Judd was great in Bug. I feel like she didn't get the credit she deserved.

Good Night good Luck is such a great film. It feels like it was made by a different filmaker.

I really like Cage the Elephant. I mean they're not completely original or will change you're life but they're better than many supposed rock bands out there.

Out of all the films Ex Machina is the one that has stuck with me the longest. I saw almost at the beginning of the year and it never left my mind.

Really I thought Ex Machina had tons of visual flair. The sets were gorgeous, the VFX effortless, and I loved a ton of the camera work.

Hated that pool scene. Yes I get its a dumb plan but it makes for a dumb scene.

I still love Blair Witch Project but I know I'm in the minority on these boards.

Sad how downhill that guy went. Welcome to The Dollhouse was incredible.


The thing that I love about Tarantino is that out of all the hip auteur directors from the mid 90s out here he just keeps making fantastic films. I couldn't stand American Hustle and I haven't seen Joy. And then PTA's last two films Master and Inherent Vice were awful but Quentin is just consistently putting out

not the one that was on the black list. Russell did a page one rewrite.

Um ok

Surprised Ex Machina's dance scene wasn't here.

Loved A Perfect Getaway. Perfect little B film. And I love that when the film goes nuts after its big reveal it commits to it.

I know I'm in the minority but I love love the entire Magicians trilogy. The books are packed with great actors and a fantasy world that works as a riff on already established magic worlds and something unique onto its own. Lev's writing certainly helps.

I would hope people still watch Go because its great and personally my favorite Liman film. It has an energy that is completely its own and has a great script.

It seems like ever AHS Season is the same for me. Ill watch for about half the season hoping it will be the season that I finally see the great show that everyone else sees and then i stop halfway through when I realize I don't care about the story or characters.

I've always found it funny when people complained about Harry getting increasingly dour and moody as the books go on. Well he has a very good reason. I mean his first year ended with him almost dying and that was during the happy times.