
See I feel the opposite of PTA. Loved Hard Eight through Punch Drunk Love. His characters felt alive real and complex. And I don't know how anyone calls Magnolia just a collection of scenes. The theme of parental abuse towards children is mentioned again and again.

Remains of the day is superb. I don't know what you're talking about.

As good as this is they hit their prime with Remains of the Day and Howard's End. Superb films

Inland Empire is so self indulgent and terrible and boring. See Mudholland Drive, Blue Velvet or the pilot of Twin Peaks. Now that's great stuff. Inland Empire is awful.

I still know what you did last summer is a lot better than people give it credit for. For one its incredible well shot. Seriously the cinematography is better than most horror films. Also a few of the chase sequences are very well staged. Now the sequel sucked.

I love Clearest Blue not sure about the other singles. Surprised this got an A.

Boy is Eli Roth a director I have never gotten. I remember going to see Cabin Fever because of all the raves and being mildly amused but that's about. All his subsequent efforts makes me wonder what people see in his movies.

Very funny. This is parody right? maybe Anderson is just not good.

Inherent Vice is accessible? More accessible than Boogie Nights? That's a laugh.

I just don't get the hype about Girl on the train. Its padded, the characters are very annoying, and the killer is obvious by page 60

Still prefer Suburbs so much more to Reflektor.

Wasnt this theme of The Master

Freaking love his take on bad Blood

The storylines are completely different so I'm not sure how they're the same. You don't make any sense.

I like Sam Town just as well. Not sure why they got piled on by critics for that album. Everything after Sam's Town I haven't bothered with though.

Disagree. This movie has stayed with me for weeks. Their conversations about writing and particularly their confrontations about how Wallace presents themselves to the world we're fascinating and I found the film quite moving. Jason Segal was great.

I just don't get the praise for Girl on The train. The main characters are endlessly whiny and pathetic and I guessed the killer and motive by page 60. I thought it was fairly obvious. Also unlike Gone Girl it wasn't well written.

its not confusing at all. Its just boring, not funny, and uninteresting. Thats the problem everyone has. I'm surprised Warners is letting him write Pinocchio. Thought for sure this film would derail his career for a while.

Yes Transatlanticism. I would love to know how you define clunkers on that album.

Love LA Story. Such a weirdly ambitious movie. It feels like dozen different genres and movies in one but it strangely works especially the talking freeway sign.