
Apparently he got fired. He had already started shooting. I can't imagine Misery going well. Doesn't he mumble all his lines. How is a Broadway house going to hear him?

I've always wanted to read Red Dragon and Silence of the Lambs. Are they any good?

None of the books on the list are required reading so how is this controversial. Why are people so dumb sometimes especially people going to a well regarded University. Aren't they supposed to be smart?

so true.

you loved the fact you didn't like it? That makes no sense.

Loved Enduring Love. One of his great early books. Not sure why you called it recent.

If you didn't care for it than you thought it was bad,

Being confusing had nothing to do with it. Its just despite being very faithful to the wonderful novel it was not funny at all or interesting. it had none of Anderson's usual flair. Its was suprisingly static and low budget looking.

Inherent Vice has been playing on TV. I tried watching a little of it to see if it would click a second time and nope. Its just a really bad movie.

Jamie Lee Curtis is great in the remake. She basically carries the film.

Did anyone ever see Northfirk by the Polish Brothers. I only saw it once when it came out and mostly didn't understand but was so strangely moved and transfixed by the images I remember it to this day.

For me Capote is the one that has lingered with me the most. Most people seem to only remember it for PSH justifiably great performance but its a great and quite dark film all around. Also beautifully shot.

they were bad with Inherent Vice being the nadir. At least his early movies are still amazing.

This is getting such great reviews.

What do you mean their moves? Social Network is pretty great and Kristin was great and underappreciated in Still Alice. Not sure what you are talking about.

Carroll Ballard is such a ridiculously underrated filmmaker. Duma is great to.

I'm surprised it got nominated for anything. I mean so many people hated it.

I would also say The Game by David Fincher. Every time I see that movie it grows and grows on me to where I would quite honestly call it my favorite Fincher.

Why would you not call Lyle Lovett a great artist. He is. One of the best country singers and a fantastic love band.

The first Mission Impossible is still my favorite although watching it today it really feels like its a totally different film. Much more of a spy film with a crazy action climax at the end.