
I agree it is curious. I mean is this really that mainstream.

I'm amazed we're not waiting another five years for a PTA film

By this point I kind of feel like everyone at the station knows that Sean is not a psychic but is willing to almost play along. It feels as if they have hinted at many points that the chief certainly has assumed that,

you are aware that a lot of these shows dont actually start in New York and many of them going on touring engagments (both musicals and plays). Therefore its helpful to know what is great or critically acclaimed in the performing arts.

I just don't understand the comments that this irrelevant if you're not in New York. A lot of these shows will be touring so it might be good to know what to catch or not.

Fantastic book. Best King book in years. I dont really understand the praise for Under The Dome which I thought was awful and shlocky. This is just a well-written moving book.

really cause Killer Joe was great. So was Bernie. Not sure what you are talking about.

While Lone Star is still his masterpiece I find Limbo to be ridiculously underrated. Great great film that really got under my skin. Ive only seen it once a long time ago but still vividly remember it.

I couldn't have cared less. Wouldn't be surprised if it permanently damages his carrer. But like I said I also found the film totally inscrutable. Excited to see this though.

the film doesnt make any sense. I don't mind a puzzlebox film but there has to be an emotional hook which the cold, distant, and baffling Master did not have. Somehting like Mudholland Drive is just as odd but its dual lead charaters have an easy to understand emotional iner life espcially once you get to the end. It

I wonder if this will be a puzzle in a good way or a puzzle in a bad way like the terrible The Master. I'm all for puzzle films as long as they have an emotional hook like Mudholland Drive.

really how so? The style seemed so different. Blood plays more harsh than Heaven

I don't understand when I hear people bring up Malick influences in PTA post Punch Drunk Love work and bring up this or Days of Heaven as example.

Horns by Joe Hill is fantastic so Ill give this a try.

Wow really Vampire Weekend still incites hostility and anger on this board despite being nothing more than a very good pop band with off kilter melodies. Its amazing how threatening VW is the AV Club commenters.

What did people think of Vampire Weeknd's new songs?

Really dissapointed at the negativity towards the film here. I thought it was a mostly beautifully written film and had some beautiful shots in it. The two scrambler scenes are justifiably acclaimed. Its a mostly even handed and honest portrait of infidelity. I guess I'm in the minority here who loves it.

The thing that I was struck by the first time i watched this show and every time since is how compelling and engaging the characters are from the get go. It may take a handful of episodes to start getting really ambitious but almost immediately loved these characters and would follow them anywhere.

interesting I've always heard that Long Goodbye is his serious book and his masterpiece.

I see a lot of people justifiably praising Bennet but that doesn't explain A Ghost Is Born which is as top[ tier as anything else