
I just remember the moment where the guys is in the building late night and then suddenly sees someone moving in the dark in front of him. Its a simple shot but for some reason it really really got to me. Creeped me out.

While I certainly don't pretend to understand it I always found Northfork to be very compelling. It a pretty moody interesting film. I saw it once when it was out in theaters but I can still recall so many images form that film.

Surprised at the criticism for "My Number". Its a great song and a perfect example of finding a great groove and then riding it til the end.

"1963" is excellent and way better than "Under The Dome".

really you don't think its underrated? Nobody seems to mention unlike The English Patient. I don't think I'm saying anything shocking here.

Love this movie and still wildly underrated. All the actors are at the top of their game, the writing is nimble, and it looks gorgeous.

Ive seen August Osage County and this had very little to do with it aside froma  general idea of family secrets. With the constant refernces to heat I was thinking mroe Tennessee Williams.

I actually really liked The Girl Next Door I guess I'm in the minority.

Maybe this will actually be accessible.

Disagree about the Magnolia sequence. Isnt the refrain in the song "It won't stop til you wise up." It always sounded to me like the song was berating the characters to stop being so self-involved and dumb.

did you not see the rections to The Master. I'm pretty sure Oscar bait needs to not cold, diviside, and polarizing to near negative degree,

Did you not notice everybody hating on that Master. The original poster was right.

Nobody will be studying The Master for years to come. Its a terrible film. Anderson should just be thankful if he makes another film.

Ive only read Saturday by Mcewen which I hated. I found it to be obnoxious. Is Saturday considered one of his best novels or should I try something else?

Ive only read Saturday by Mcewen which I hated. I found it to be obnoxious. Is Saturday considered one of his best novels or should I try something else?

You know I have to say it. Where's The Master because that film sucks completely and is incompetent.

You know I have to say it. Where's The Master because that film sucks completely and is incompetent.

exactly nobody actually likes The Master. I mean do people actually want to watch this a second time.

exactly nobody actually likes The Master. I mean do people actually want to watch this a second time.

how can a movie this vague and disorganized be about Scientology.