Damn it Ms.Frizzle
Damn it Ms.Frizzle
The end credit said “A Jam Handy Production”.
The semaphore-style lights were used in L.A., which is why they appear in so many old cartoons.
Well duh of course lights from the 30s and 40s made no sense they’re all black and white
Geriatric Inception.
Old people dressed as....older people
This guy gets it.
Interesting. I’m going to just leave this open for awhile and come back to it later.
“73 Shots: Okuhara vs. Sindhu” Is probably Springsteen’s best overtly political song.
Another VW engine to drive the front wheels...
Came here to say pretty much this, I would add all the hot mics and sound mixing in today’s age would make it great for a “silent” game. Actually being able to hear a hard count instead of someone talking over the hard count trying to explain what a hard count is would be amazing
This is the truest thing ever written on Adequate Man. I sit here with 5 windows of tabs, sort of organized, sort of not, wondering if and when I will get around to reading about What TV Antiheroes Can Learn From ‘BoJack Horseman’, or asking myself, Have Smarphones Destroyed a Generation?
How would this work though?
This is like that TV show where the guy gets the next day’s edition of the newspaper the day before it’s published, and then quits a life of heroism to become a high school football coach.
In 1977, you needed announcers. In hindsight, the technology was terrible. The screen graphics sucked, there was no superimposed yellow first down lines, not to mention the horrible broadcast quality (it’s hard for me to watch anything not in HD).
“All the stuff I’ve done in my career,” Don Ohlmeyer once told an ESPN interviewer, “and that’s what I’m going to be remembered for. It serves me right.”
I read this as “25 Bengals ended the day with a better passer rating than Andy Dalton”.
Fun fact: Here in the Houston area, they cut off the game after the last kickoff and started the local news. So nobody watching on NBC saw the final play as it happened.
Oh good Lord, The Bengals or Texans?
#25 on the Bengals ended the game with a better passer rating than Andy Dalton because of that last play