If you are really interested, look up the Soviet version. They built many more of them, and they logged many more flight hours.
If you are really interested, look up the Soviet version. They built many more of them, and they logged many more flight hours.
Research and fact checking was never a strong point on gawker. Seems it still holds true under new management.
Barely remembered? I for one used to hear the daily flight into NYC (that shit was loud) and always looked up when I did. I also deplaned once at JFK and the route to the terminal took us past the Concorde lounge windows and I gawked like a teenager.
People don’t care about speed, it’s costs.
“Yet while it cut the 17-hour flight from New York to London down to seven,” You seriously stand by these numbers? In what dimension does it take 17 hours to fly from New York to London?
Normally I hate to be that guy, but not this time. You should probably research flight times and what subsonic means.
“There are no longer subsonic commercial flights offered to the public because they were simply impractical.”
Err, what? I’m not sure I understand, NY to London has been about 7 hours for a long time; 12 hours will take you from like Chicago to Moscow, and 17 would be squarely in the class of the world’s very longest flights, stuff like Houston to Sydney or LA to Singapore...
I’ve never been laid either.
Ideally, could you guys do zero actual report today and just provide us with more dank memes and clips? That would be a fun Friday.
I learnt to drive in one of these. It certainly teaches you the slow car fast philosophy, in normal traffic. I drove five other Ladas after that (one Samara, one Niva)
The answer is obvious.
Why are they blurring the word “nigger”? Show it in all its glory, so people know what a piece of shit this guy is. Hell, the New York Times ran the phrase “I’m not trying to suck my own cock” unaltered.
Honestly, a Steeler fan calling Tomlin the N word on Facebook is probably one of the least surprising news stories we’ll get this week. I can’t even take criticism of Tomlin from other Steeler fans at face value any more, as most of is barely more thinly veiled than this was.
The late Rep. Jack Murtha called his district, which covered a big swath of Western Pennsylvania outside of Pittsburgh and its inner suburbs, “pretty redneck.” Which is to say: isanyone surprised that a local public official in this area would not only use a phrase like “no-good n****r,” but that he would use it on…
So embarrassing. Gosh, just the other day, I was casually walking along and tripped over a crack in the sidewalk and then I totally accidentally posted an N-word filled rant to a public social media site. And there were some cool kids RIGHT THERE. I was so embarrassed.
Cut this guy a break. He’s just economically anxious.