“Amanda Seyfriend’s relationship sounds like a complete trainwreck so good luck with that lady...” I’m sure Amanda really appreciates your concern.
“Amanda Seyfriend’s relationship sounds like a complete trainwreck so good luck with that lady...” I’m sure Amanda really appreciates your concern.
“Never again?” Why are you being so dramatic? No one misled you. Is it really that crazy to look at the ingredients before buying a new medication?
Did you ever offer to buy someone’s gas on your card in exchange for cash like Winona Ryder in Reality Bites?? lol
I would rather suffer in silence than face the embarrassment of telling a flight attendant about my digestive issues. But that’s just me.
Ugh. Same. I have IBS and flying is incredibly stressful and nerve-wracking for me. I basically starve myself starting the night before and then take Immodium in the morning before the flight. I know it’s not good for my body, but whatever.
She’s been very upfront about getting that procedure done years ago.
I know this article is a joke, but if the title of this post has been about a woman, you wouldn’t think that’s an okay joke to make.
Same. To me, Barbie was just a toy. I never compared her plastic body to my own body, and I never thought of what she’d look like as a proportional real-live woman.
I agree with what you’re saying, but I still think she could have tried harder as a journalist to, I dunno, Google the name of the model whose picture she chose to put on the cover of her magazine.
The model’s apology sounds sincere, but seriously, the editor is still blaming her mistake on other people.
Wow. I didn’t know that about their wedding. I’ve only watched the last couple seasons.
Unfortunately, most of the Atlanta housewives are slightly homophobic. Remember when they all made fun of Kim Fields’ husband? The only one who didn’t participate was Cynthia.
The famous celebrities on his show are vulnerable???
No BD Wong, but your other wish came true: Chris Pine was just cast as Mr. Murray.
Exactly. A lot of actors are more comfortable playing a character than they are in their own skin.
Chelsea Handler is one of the most successful women in an extremely male-dominated field (comedy). She uses her platform as a talk show host to shed light on a wide variety of political and social issues, and she frequently interviews (besides just the regular actors and comics) politicians, scientists, and people…
Well, it’s not just you. I had to turn the show off for that very same reason.
Wow, that is a huge effing deal. That does make me feel better, thanks for posting.
I’m really happy for all of you that love Southwest, but as someone who gets extremely claustrophobic on flights and HAS to sit in the aisle seat, I can’t ever fly with them. It’s just too stressful having to worry about what seat I’m gonna get.
You couldn’t be more wrong. Did you somehow miss the episode where Carrie tries to take out a loan to buy her apartment and is denied? She made a decent salary, but spent it all on clothes and going out to dinner. Carrie basically lived month to month and had no savings whatsoever.