
Oooh, snarking and speculating about other women’s bodies... a great feminist pastime.

“She is not baked and done — I’m not either — so let her experiment and delight in the choices she has to make, and let’s be kind to one another.” Yes, let’s.

If she bothers you that much, just unfollow her.

The Ariana-Grande-is-a-baby joke is old. Not to mention sexist. Get some new material.

Really not sure if I can keep reading Jezebel. Not that we have to be all Kumbaya/let’s get along all the time... but I feel like 90% of the articles and comments are about tearing other women down. And yes, I consider snark and sarcasm to be subtle ways of tearing someone down. I guess trolling is okay when you do it.

No, that’s not a thing. I get what you’re saying, that he’s doing it for publicity (which he totally is), but with the amount of filming he has to do, not to mention promotion, ABC is definitely paying him.

It doesn’t make sense to quit a real job unless, like you said, you want attention and fame. But legally, you can’t be on the show unless you are getting paid.

Well, the people on the show definitely aren’t making a lot of money. I know the contestants on Big Brother make like $1,000 a week, and I’m guessing it’s around the same for The Bachelor.

Of course they get paid. Being a contestant on a reality show (even The Bachelor/ette) is technically a job.

Hopefully someone here can help me out... Why is it not okay for cisgender actors to portray transgender people, but it is okay for straight actors to portray gay people?

For someone who considers Lena Dunham’s writing “torture,” you seem to spend a lot of time thinking about her writing. As for the short story, who knows why she’s writing it now as fiction. Maybe she wanted to embellish the story, add some details that didn’t happen in IRL. Maybe not. Who cares.

Ummmm... people can find her attractive even though she is a “professional” who “pushes past traditional beauty expectations.”

Yes, I am. I feel like I am constantly on the defense about my eating habits, when it’s no one else’s business. I don’t know why people care. Same thing goes for vegans (I’m not a vegan). Anyway, none of this really has anything to do with you. This is why I need to stay off the internet. Have a good night. :)

Fair enough. I also don’t want to hear people complaining about those “no gluten people” all the time as well.

Why do you care what other people eat?

Caitlyn Jenner, an Olympic athlete, doesn’t have talent?

The quote that appears above is incorrect. If you read Lochte’s actual statement it reads: “have a stranger point a gun at YOU” not your.

How To Lost a Guy in 10 Days is the best.

Why can’t we all just eat what we want and stop caring about what other people do? The stereotypical crazy vegans are just as bad as the people who make fun of others for eating gluten free, etc. Just do what’s good for you and ignore everyone else.

She’s playing a British character. Even though the movie is set in America, Emily/the filmmakers decided to keep the main character British