
I just don’t hold high hopes for it, since I really started enjoying recent DC movies more when they were doing their own thing and having really distinct tones. I just want more stuff like Wonder Woman 1, Aquaman, Shazam, and The Batman.

People will mock you but you're right. What you say is intellectually consistent with the belief that all need to be treated equally. Some will come up with elaborate reasons why people objectionable to them deserve such treatment. Those are excuses they tell themselves so that they can practice their cruelty on

Why do you have to say “the straights”? Your prejudice is just as awful as the people who are review bombing. I am straight, and I thoroughly enjoyed the episode. I never once thought what a fantastic depiction of queer love. I only thought about how beautiful a depiction it was of an excellent relationship.

I swear I watched a different movie than everyone else when it came to Everything Everywhere All At Once. I thought it was a horrible movie and I wanted to leave so many time but didn’t because I was hoping it would get better. Then I saw that everyone thought it was the best movie of the year and today it even got a

A friend of mine worked on a Whedon show years ago and he said half the behind the scenes crew had the last name Whedon. I’m sure he was exaggerating and I’m sure at least a few people behind the scenes got the gig via family connections.

As Andor has shown, people want new and fresh with Star Wars.

Exactly, simply because a parent isn’t in the exact same field doesn’t mean they don’t have a professional/personal network of people who may be and are familiar with/willing to do a favor for the parent. Taylor swift’s parents aren’t musicians but her dad was well-connected and did buy 50% of a record label to give

The problem was a lack of clear direction and a planned overall arc for the three movies. That exacerbates the issues with each one of them.

I adore The Last Jedi, but I can see how some fans feel like he backed a preexisting arc and preexisting characters into a corner. So, he’d be perfect for more Star Wars without certain characters and arcs. His quality of writing and directing would greatly compliment Andor, as another prestige series on D+.

It feels gross to defend anything Whedon at this point, but if you take Whedon and all of his shitty baggage out of the conversation, I still think it’s absurd how much blame for JLs final state was laid directly at his feet, as though his version was somehow a completely separate film. No one was going to come into a

TLJ was shite

Top Gun Maverick - X-Wing Edition!

Well, this sucks. I kind of wanted to see a live action X-Wing vs Tie Fighter

That’s just like, your opinion man.

People who love The Last Jedi, kindly help me understand one thing?

Say what you want about The Last Jedi, the film was bold, and gave us some of the most memorable scenes out of the whole trilogy.

Ultimately what people here dont like is that they are being forced to realize that the genre stuff is monetized product as well. It just used to be Niche product, and now it is being held to blockbuster standards, and unfortunatley that means less niche, small production is going to be made.

Counterpoint - no, it’s not. It was mediocre then and mediocre now. A stunning waste of a talented cast.

Like I said, racism isn’t logical. Mutants don’t have to actually be a rival species in any scientifically valid way; the racists just have to believe they are. Hate is based in fear and ignorance, after all.

Both of these books seem like they have all the subtlety of a sledgehammer, so I’ll probably pass.

In creative writing workshop in college, the professor really hammered that you should create good, complex characters and not start out with an explicit agenda when writing. He called it “Agenda Fiction”. The term stuck