
This just isn’t complete without a link to Charlie Jane Anders’ legendary review of the sequel.

I will forever defend this film in the sense of it simply being fun. Akin to big, dumb monster vs monster movies that make no sense, are delightfully stupid and are simply made for visual splendor...the first Transformers is no different.

We’ve been getting too much MCU for at least the past 10-or-so years. The people calling this clickbait are genuinely nuts. This is the kind of article that should’ve been everywhere years ago.

Yes, there’s too much Marvel.

My advice is counterintuitive. To be clear, I don’t follow Star Wars (I actually started watching a clip of the new Obi-Wan Vader fight and was shocked I just shut it off midway through) although I used to be an enormous Star Wars fan. The advice?

Counterpoint: His vanity is a character flaw and an important one.

That’s fair.

THANK YOU. I've been saying this for years. When BOTW came out AV Club had an article about reviewing it where they talked about how, with time, Twilight Princess's reception was dramatically over hyped. I think the same thing is going to happen to BOTW some day. 

I’ve never understood this concept of “fan service or good movie” like somehow there are these elements and they organically repel everything else. You can build a fan-service laden Star Wars or Ghostbusters.”

People love to say this, but they often forget a lot of the details of the First Contact War.

What’s kind of funny though, is that while I do recall the midgame having a decent difficulty spike, the late game is also incredibly laid back because you can out scale basically every normal challenge in the game just by playing 20 or so minutes a day for several months. The only thing that is difficulty gated at

A vocal minority will bitch that it dares focus on somebody other than He-Man for 5 minutes.

That or, despite some issues which are usually overblown, the game is still worth the price of admission.  I pre-ordered CP2077 and never regretted it, it NEVER could have lived up to the hype, but for what it was it was a great game and I enjoyed all 90+ hours I put into it. 

I don’t remember a time when Gizmodo writers ever proofread their work.

My gateway drug to GOT was Peter Dinklage. Somehow I saw The Station Agent in the theater, probably on good word of mouth. I didn’t even recognize him as Tito from Living In Oblivion (an all time favorite) but really wanted to see him again in a dramatic lead role, ideally with lots of talking.

“What about the UN-SEEN?”