
Seeing as y’all don’t seem to have anything nice to say at all, I’m just gonna say I’m digging the vibe on these posters, especially the colors on the variant one.

Honestly I disagree, I’ve seen him pull off some pretty compelling roles and put interesting twists on it. Despite it’s failings American Ultra showed he could do physical roles (depending on the interpretation of Luthor we go with it may be needed). I’m not worried about him at all to be honest.

I will defend to the death your right to speak your opinion, though I humbly, completely, disagree.

I’m with you. I like the messy, more realistic way this has played out so far. I’d rather they continue along this path and have to work through the awkwardness in a nuanced, considered way.

Books from GRRM are never late, and are never early. They arrive precisely when they mean to.

The “it’ll be explained in future movies argument” implies that in THIS movie her character is really thinly sketched. And at the very least it’s clear that she hasn’t had Jedi training considering she believed the Jedi to be a myth.

Not to mention that she made it *very* clear that she expected her troops to barge through the door any minute and kill Finn, Solo and Chewbacca. She felt that even if she did put the shield down, it would only be momentarily, and that her squad would be there to allow her to put it back up.

When I hear folks say episode 7 sucked because one character or another didn’t get enough screentime, all I can think of is the old Woody Allen joke: “The food here is terrible, and the portions are too small.”

Phasma getting thrown in the garbage was one of my few gripes with this movie too. Here’s hoping she becomes Finn’s nemisis and gets to do something cool next time.

I was really sad that there were no Y-Wing Bombers used for, like, well, a bombing run. :(

X should have been Y

When you look at why those particular movements succeed when others failed, though, it basically boils down to one of two reasons:

I think we’re going to be seeing a lot more high-profile actors in motion capture roles as we move forward. As the technology continues to improve, audiences will become more aware of the performance being delivered, and the presumption that a mo-cap performance isn’t a “real” performance will fade away.

I believe that’s actually part of the reason for the rumbling tension with voice actors working with the gaming industry. That industry is always placing more emphasis on mocap as well, and the complaint seems to be that you have little distinction between mocap/voice-only roles (probably worsened by the notorious

I’ve been thinking about that, I estimate about 95% of the people who know of the Star Wars story haven’t read any of the EU books. Not that the EU books weren’t good/popular, but so so many people have seen the original movies.

It hasn’t been decades. It seems reasonable to assume it’s been about 32 years since the events of Jedi (‘83-’15). In that time, Leia and Han had a kid, and that kid had a childhood. Eventually, they were troubled by the kid’s behavior and sent him to Luke, where Ben probably trained for a while before snapping and

Agreed. I read some of the books as a kid, but it was always about the (original) movies.

Han and Leia’s entire lives feel like a setup to someone else’s plot.

(Give me Nev any day.)

That’s fair— and honestly, it’s tough to shake when the first book is arguably the strongest impression. After that, because side characters do take the lead, you think less and less about his characterization, so at least for me, I was always stuck with that initial “mehhh” from the first book in regard to Harry