
Funnily enough THX 1138 is actually a great movie- I think it is that he lost his touch as he got older.

I don’t think it’s about being childlike. It’s about the fact that Star Wars takes place in another galaxy, whereas ID4 takes place on contemporary Earth, so we can easily compare it to reality and lose our suspension of disbelief.

I think that you could update Logan’s Run with allegorical elements of today’s culture - narcissism, quest for fame, entitlement, social media presence, etc - but it would be really upsetting to many people.

It’s more that that viewpoint ignores the network effect. So I can (and in reality don’t) hit the play button but for the people that did, that inevitably starts working into the conversation what happened. So its existence tends to result in everyone knowing unless someone embargos all news which actually is the

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Is it bad for being able to appreciate both lighter, no one ever dies fare as well as darker, there are realistic consequences fare? I mean I’m fine with Kara being in a situation where it’s possible for her to save everyone without a single person dying. Then again I also like scenes like this.

Sometimes it’s okay to just let a franchise end.

That is because what we’re actually seeing here is commentators on modern culture rederiving the existence of “myth” from media and talking about it like it’s new.

For me I draw a line between the improbable and the impossible. Take a skateboard trick video, for example. They’ll string together a dozen neat tricks. If they followed visual continuity, they could make it look like they were all pulled off in a row, i.e. traveling from point A to point B. But in reality there’s a

I’d say this is what turned me off to Tom Cruise. I got tired of seeing him as an “underdog/outsider who becomes the best”

Go back to Lou Costello. He was an indestructible little fat guy.

It wasn’t really canceled because of the network outright though their censorship (sometimes stupid but sometimes very legitimate like numerous rape jokes and anti-homosexual jokes causing censor’s to have fits) did have a bearing on it.

Another example that In Living Color was far ahead of it’s time. That show regularly trounced SNL ratings-wise and was about a 1000x more topical and edgy but somehow got cancelled and never brought back. Good job, America, you still suck.

idk if its really about wanting to hear them speak, more like its important to not live in an ideological vacuum

If people listen to the commentary for Battlestar Galactica with Ron Moore, they’ll find that many things in Battlestar Galactica were either thought up on the fly (thus, not originally planned, like Helo’s survival), or were dropped entirely for time, budgetary reasons, or lack of continuing ideas. I have a suspicion

Television seems like a tough medium to provide an overall voice to.... each episode has its own writers, directors, show runners, and actors shaping things.


A complaint about Man of Steel! What would a WB/DC post be without one of those? Again. Saying the same thing. Again.