
The Internet has really screwed brick and mortar to where in some cases one even wonders what they think their business is anymore.

Rename yourself Babbage’s you cowards.

Thing is - forget the “spared” comment -

It’s worth noting that just like the internet commentariat, Actors can get their sources from “wherever”. If the cast had a cynical view of the people involved, a lie he heard somewhere could have sounded just as good as the truth.

The American Government didn’t “need” to paint the civilians as complicit though. The Americans at that point had a strategic advantage the Japanese could not counter. Both Nagasaki and Hiroshima had strategic military value (one as ordinance production, one as Southern Command). From a Strategic perspective, America

And as a German, you are definitely free to second guess the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That said, for an American to do the same comes with the knowledge that they themselves might not be alive to argue or agree with you if not for that event. It swiftly ended the war and thus hundreds of thousands of

I think it’s more of a traditional “softening statement” people use when people apply standards traditionally used against men towards women.  Like “we acknowledge there are some power differences inherent BUT”.  It is fairly unneeded though, you’re right.  If a woman wants to kill a man, it’s as easy as  a gun.

It’s Power.

Awesome!  One of my complaints about the current Xbox Series X is it also has the same drift problems many of this style of controller have.  Having the option to replace it on my own is great.

The difference is, and always will be good faith and the perception of such. If someone sees what you’re doing as good faith, then that line resonates. If someone sees what you’re doing, and the first part doesn’t come across - it works less well. A lifelong vegetarian’s criticisms of factory farming come across less

I’ve long ago learned that those that want to fight about this are going to. International corporation wants international money - news at 11.

I remember Al Lowe’s story about having source code for one of the Leisure Suit Larry games on a disk and it wasn’t really archived in any real way. I wouldn’t be surprised if lax archival is endemic across the industry.

I contend that the original TMNT film works phenomenally more, if you understand or have some concept of the geography/character of New York City at night.

Kind of shocking considering wrestlers are generally anti-union as a bunch. While there are the Jesse Ventura’s, there’s always the Hulks and enough top end guys to stop any sort of unionization in that field.

I can tell I’m an old when all I did was play the game start to finish and then put it down to go do other things without even touching the battle pass.

It is still great. I never watched at the time it was released, having watched it probably a decade past when the music was topical. I wasn’t young - and I certainly didn’t reflect the ethos of those characters in any way.  I was comfortably distant.

I think you’re missing the point where people often do that kind of thing due to limited time and not enough desire to make a point and click game “tense”. Why are they looking up builds? Because they don’t want to invest 40 hours to tear their hair out. You absolutely can absolutely still make your own build by just

TBH - the choice to make Diablo require a network was the Dev’s choice. Diablo 1 played just fine local. True, you had all sorts of wacky shenanigans with people offline duping, but destroying that type of play was a baby with the bathwater situation.

I mean that’s great and all but my build is already pretty much busted and it’s gone from a chill game I played with a specific build because I didn’t feel like being “sweaty” to an irritating clusterfuck of cooldown management.

That kind of thing also only works if both sides (“the government”) and (“the people”) more or less don’t view it as a badge of honor getting one over on the other.

In New York, the people who jump the turnstyles are just generally as entitled (if you talk to them) as the super rich that dodge the taxes (because it’s