
Considering how deeply Gunn borrowed from other media for his interpretation, it would be weird if he was territorial honestly.

It’s really just people forget that responding has that impact. And it makes sense. I’ve been around for a decade plus and I’m still in the greys. So some people are in the grey’s looking through stuff and then make a mistake not realizing it’s an obvious troll.

Just resign yourself to your life as a curmudgeon and move on.

What I’m not understanding is at that point in the story, The Proud Boys openly demonstrate mens rea in admitting why they were doing it thus committing assault under the law. Even if the police are scum in this story and we keep that interpretation and the prosecutor is complicit, Gwen can still file a criminal

I’m not understanding something (this is a question about the story, not a gotcha) - if the Proud Boys put out a statement openly admitting their goal was intimidation of a person - even if you were in the most conservative of conservative areas, doing something that stupid to actually declare mens rea publicly thus

Kotaku: Nintendo engages is some shitty business practices.

I could get behind that.  I loved The High Evolutionary’s actor who really straddled the line between scenery chewing and keeping it grounded.   But I think I’d rather he own that roll and let someone else who was given a smaller role take it if they recast.

Always been pretty simple for me - Step 1, read something. Step 2, let the process play out while doing something else.  Strangely?  It’s actually not that hard unless I lose the complete and total ability to choose what to click on next.

I think that’s partially why he’s saying it.

In general just don’t have heroes (or have them strictly based on reason like skill).

I always find it fascinating how much gaming press and even youtube creators fawn to an irrational degree over Nintendo. It always comes across like stockholm syndrome or people so steeped in their childhood nostalgia, stuff they’d crucify Sony, Microsoft or Warner Brothers for just don’t ever seem to register. Not

I think it’s just Nintendo’s Management/Legal staff has never really had a big kick in the pants. It’s not stupid for them so much as they’re so insulated from how bad the decision is (because the brand is so dominant anyway), it just never registers.

Yea- sports is like that too. The number of people willing to put down the game or turn it off is actually a very small number.

It’s always good to keep in mind different jobs have different... “Standards”. Legal and finance people are exceptionally boring and not cool, and that’s by design.

Up to a point. There’s plenty of fan made patches which have fixed long standing issues. I think it’s not that they can’t, it’s that they have a certain financial point where they refuse to go further.

It’s always been horny. Leisure Suit Larry predates Bethesda’s existence which itself was a redo of Softporn, a commercially available product.

I’m glad they put together something that people really liked and resonated with people on its own.

I’m pretty anti-Nintendo’s actions as a general rule - but yea, I’d still consider that piracy.

Sure you can. As a consumer you DON’T HAVE to take an IP creator’s side reflexively.

I mean if it has the same basic structure as BotW, I can see people beating it very quickly.