
Or just start splitting things up. The problem with trying to stop mergers is in the current markets a merger is just a way of gaining scale and preventing them prevents an avenue of competition.  You may not be able to stick the toothpaste back in the tube.

That’s also kind of why the whole thing is ridiculous.

Lost was... OK?

I’m pretty sure he’s referencing what Marina Sirtis herself joked about.

Much of it was just more rapey than it needed to be. It’s not like anyone watching Fury Road doesn’t get the subtext of what that society was, but part of the reason that film is as loved as it is, is because as a film it understands where to start its story at the point of action and your brain picks up the rest

I think people fail to understand that not all people are a “fully cooked” product. A relationship or even “Sex” isn’t really a badge of honor - truly horrible people have had both. They’re both entirely based on who you’ve known and where they’ve been in their lives. So yea those guys will over time develop more and

The thing is - on the whole accurate but exaggerated portrayals can become hurtful stereotypes. Many of the reasons a particular portrayal may ring true is because a vast portion of the audience may know people that are exactly like that taken to an extreme.

In the end it’s really about us, the audience anyway.  If we won’t buy something they won’t make it.  If we will, everything in it can be AI generated.  Sort of why every business has an ethical slippery slope when you come right down to it.

You still have to have a bunch of other trades go along with that.

It’s the same energy that gets people to say “people should leave Texas” despite the 45% of there that believe the same things they do.

I’ll be honest - I’ve just come to the conclusion that everyone’s making decisions and backfilling the logic later.  It seems obvious in cases where regulators have bowed up recently to Microsoft only to have to back down when they couldn’t prove they were providing consistent logic.

I think we have to divorce fan reaction and good storytelling here a little bit.

Turns out when you fire the staff that built the infrastructure, you’re just left with operating expenses of the infrastructure. Who knew?  I kid (mostly.)

I’m low key worried about the Furiosa film mainly because Fury Road appears to have been a mixed story where other people were able to talk Miller out of some bad ideas and only the good stuff got left behind.

You can certainly have an opinion.

As do I genius.  These aren’t foreign debates to me.

Mental health is a deep topic. It’s intersection with criminal justice, deeper still. Obviously this is deeper than the level of conversation you’re capable of having at this.

Depends on the mental illness and the charge actually.

Never been quite sure on either side of this debate why “two things can be true simultaneously” is so earth shattering for some people.

I mean, are you expecting every article where they have to mention Ezra Miller to just go ahead and post the whole timeline?