
Do people care about Ezra Miller that much?  Not even being snarky - he just doesn’t really pop up on my radar until io9/AV Club bring him up.

Bingo - “the middle” has been death in American commerce for almost 30 years now (90's-2020's).

Whatever Cultural Capital is - Microsoft as a company has the opposite of it.  I freely admit I bought mine because I couldn’t get a PS5.  I eventually did mind you, but that’s how they got my business in the first place.

Well there is a constitutional remedy -

Honestly I’m not sure (as a card carrying member of team noone) the online rabble has anything to do with it anymore.

The key is in the phrasing “do not deserve to be in the same category as Harvey Weinstein.” Harvey was a serial rapist who abused his authority to enable it.

I suspect even if it doesn’t we’ll be hearing about how it does.  This one seems pretty loaded in terms of fan engagement.  Not Snyder loaded, but pretty loaded.

Really? People bring it up every single Flash article.

I’ll admit -

Replying mostly to ungrey you here. 

I still think it would be funny to just cast Don Cheadle again.

If a company can do a through background check on on an employee prior to providing elevated access, I’m pretty sure Disney of all companies could fund a pretty thorough check on a guy they anticipate being the lynchpin of several billion in movie revenue. You don’t have to ask him a thing.  There are companies and

It’s not about me specifically. It’s about toxic vs. fun places for fans to congregate. Usually, when you have one group of fans genuinely enjoying something and another group of fans making it their job to tell everyone about how bad something is it doesn’t go very well.

Sometimes Show runners just don’t know.  It was probably easier back in the day where a season was 25 episodes and your midpoint was 12.  That was enough of a warning for shows like Buffy to not kill Spike, etc.

The fact a number of us just stopped watching than complain every week is sort of why I think it’s been easier for people to enjoy it. For people who liked it as it was - cool. 

It’s so weird that “accepting your own IP” is something that this actually had to “get to.”

From a technical perspective, you may be absolutely right. And if Musk (and I’m not saying he is) is actually serious about tracking abuse then he’ll see the results in the resulting data.

Oddly enough, yes I do use Twitter. But I’m one of maybe a reduced number of people who is fairly minimal in my footprint and consciously avoid the areas where people fight all the time because in my estimation they enjoy doing it and I get nothing out of it.

This is the correct takeaway.

Not a Musk person mind you, but I suspect for many the issue is deadnaming and misgendering may be a component of abuse, but may be more microaggression than anything. Some people may have known a person a long time with another name for example. Or someone has declared they are transgender but not everyone knows and