
In essence that is what expos/conferences are for a majority of industries.

Even if that’s true - at what point does she have agency?

Ultimately the Army and the Armed Forces in general are in a bit of a bind. The 2000's -2020's trend of appealing heavily to Republican leaning districts while effective sort of effectively soured the Armed Forces it seems almost entirely as a brand to half the country.

I dunno - I kinda feel like there’s a large chunk of people whom are perfectly fine with blocking Microsoft, IF the standards are applied evenly. The problem with these cases has been, they largely rest on standards that haven’t been applied in the recent past. If this is the start of applying it everywhere, kudos. If

End of the day we’ve seen legit versions of this story. We’ve also seen people making shit up. Asking me to have an opinion at this point seems a bit much.  Here’s what I feel about Majors right now: nothing.

I am sure that everyone will take the required amount of time for the investigation to unfold and not jump to conclusions.

I think the house money that Terry was dealing with here is both Data “death”s felt very cheap.

Truthfully, I find the entire debate rather reductive.

Thing is, you’re getting into a gatekeeping debate at that point.

For authors or people reading Cyberpunk, just ignore the discourse.

The problem is rage clicks count the same as non-rage clicks.

I think the issue is, the Gawker blogosphere at one time WAS probably more even-keel and and usually didn’t logically or devolve into histrionics and there are some posters that remember that. When the Gawker readership did notice that Kotaku, io9, et. al had gone the direction of Jez they went to other blogs to find

I think it’s a pretty classic conundrum. Deprogramming essentially is programming in some cases. So it comes down to personal values. I tend to believe if you’re willing to deprogram someone against their will - it only takes saying the right combination of things about another group to make it OK which always ends up

No - just in a social dogpile. It happens.

And on this quote right here, is why you’re actually losing containment on Nazi’s.  They were well contained when one side condoned genocide and the other didn’t.  The second you walked down that path, said it out loud, and got people to agree with you - you lost the ideological war.  You validated their methods, just

Then change their minds. That’s fine.

You are adding a modifier after the fact and saying that’s what you meant. Feel free to change your post to “space nazi’s”, but it’s not what you posted.

Yes but making the argument about literal Nazis is. This is exactly what the person I actually responded to did.  It seems there’s a group so happy to like each others posts, you’re missing the part where you’re actually factually incorrect.

Look - this is fairly irritating. If you’d like to invent a bunch of extra things I’m saying besides what I’m saying - have at it. But it’s kind of annoying arguing things you’re not arguing.

You’re correct about the 2nd, but you’re displaying wishful thinking on the first. The set of mores, dogma, and creeds that would make up someone identifying are distinct. What IS correct is a Nazi doesn’t have to hold those views forever, but to systematically eliminate it is a cultural cleansing. As far as I’m