
I’m not the one who Godwin’s Law’d the thread.

I guess background for pointless context, for me, Star Wars represents the perfect Cinematic trilogy - not because the films were perfect, but because it created an IP from scratch while answering the questions it asked, resolving what it wanted resolve, and still leaving a sense of wonder for the audience. It means a

It’s not a centrist thing - it’s a human nature thing. Genocides aren’t restricted to the Nazi’s. It never happened, but yea if people started wiping out blond hair, blue eyed people or preventing people identified as Nazi’s from having kids - it would still be genocide. Every culture that has participated in

Of course you sound whiny, just like the rest of us. Welcome to the club.

I know it will never sell, but Lindlof had the right idea.  If you just don’t “have it” and both sides know it, don’t waste the money or the goodwill.

That’s hard to take seriously in a world where Hugh Jackman played Wolverine, a 5'3" bear.

In retrospect, Malenia is sort of bizarre in that she represents extremely poor balancing and design but that’s also why she became such a meme/popular character. Watching that character, which flat out just breaks specific builds and then is quiet manageable with others popularity is kind of fun. Because it sort of

At this point, there are 3 women to every 2 men in college so I wouldn’t actually be suprised in the near future if women’s only colleges were outright challenged for existing.

This is probably a more accurate take. All deference to Japanese developers in general, but Japan has a tendency to look to Japan for answers.

I’ve known plenty of people with that taste. I think what you’re probably vastly underselling is how vocal the people who love it are and how little desire there is on the other side is to “fight about it”.

I think people forget how desperate the Academy is to change their image. From Oscars So White, to complaints every year that no one has seen any of the Best Picture films, I suspect the Academy doesn’t really know what to do with themselves.

The difference is the transition from “topical” to “time capsule”. If you look at the history of Oscars or even films in general, there’s often a premium put on “timelessness”.  The dullness you speak of IS Lester’s life.  That’s the point.

The problem is really one of asymmetric information. All “love yourself” has to do with is not hating yourself for things that are not changeable.

Thanks for the recommendation. I haven’t seen that one so I’ll check it out. The setup is definitely by definition Isekai.

Umm no - since an American conservative tends to have authoritarian leanings.

I don’t think TLJ people realize it, but what you just described is why I was laughing through episode IX. That’s exactly what that film came across as. The whole Sequel trilogy was just 1 film after another of “umm... nope!”

This has a lot to do with the 2010's -2020's tendency of reviewers flattening complex characters with reductive analysis such as “another 40 something white guy”, etc. It sort of opened up a pandora’s box of, “well if this qualifies as actual criticism, here you go.”

I think the problem is there always is 1 or 2 people who “will not bathe for *insert reasons here*.”

I know this is just a curious question but there’s a few that can do it. It could be arm injuries where dropping off/picking up at the place isn’t a problem but full body access is. People who are in the middle of acute back issues may also experience a version of this because the back connects to everything. Same

It may also be nerd specific conventions have a history of revisiting things.  There could be people at gun conventions or house building conventions that smell like they got there straight from composting, but there’s not huge demographic diversity that might bring it up.