
Just thowing this out there - how large is the appetite from the American public to constantly rehash Slave-era stories? I don’t mean from just io9, I mean when you include everyone.

Here’s the problem with that and its one that has decades of internet to demonstrate it:

Dracula’s definitely one of those movies that I never enjoyed or even liked. The only thing it really does having going for it is that its practical effects are very impressive.

The series is passing the torch to a new generation...

I don’t support these people, but any time you give people the freedom to have custom lobbies you’re going to see stuff like that.

So your options are only:

Since people are going to weaponize “Likes” against you on this, I’ll just say what you’re feeling from that movie is not something you’re alone in. This movie became an “event” for some people and so sort of like death threats against people who didn’t like “The Dark Knight” there’s an element of that going on with

This truly is the wackiest timeline. Multiple live action actors have been replaced with computer generated stand-ins in multiple IPs, and the voice of a monotone computer has been recast in what used to be the cutting edge TV SFX property.

I mean - Sony knew a large number of their customer’s couldn’t GET the product short of paying exorbitant markup.  Had they done this sooner, the reaction would not have been as kind.

It’s an old trope. It also goes with “someone with a father wouldn’t spend money on this” etc., etc., or a bunch of other ideas that somehow the consumers are inherently wrong.

No - but it did prove that she was not an innocent participant and it’s easily arguable she was equally culpable in their dynamic. I think this is where the left (as has the right) has lost the center in general.

It’s not - but it’s an easy trick because it wedges an employee into 1 of 3 scenarios:

This trailer needs more bass drum hits.

I mean, no one had that award show anyway. Those people are all shunted to the technical awards no one watches. Honestly, if a drunken electrician or carpenter or focus puller showed up on camera “to tell us all what’s really up”, that might actually disrupt the public’s current relationship with those award shows

The modern movement against the Oscars and film awards is really a modern phenomenon you didn’t see until maybe the 2000's and really when everyone and their mother started having an opinion on the host. They were an artistic analogue to Sports events and you don’t really see the anger towards them until Fox News

It’s also something that shouldn’t be minimized, MCU was the first entrant in to that market. They were the market maker. When the MCU released, even DC/Sci Fi people weren’t ragging on it out of the gate. Everyone was equally stoked that something that hadn’t existed before now exists.

Honestly, it feels like most of the conflict with Avatar is between MCU stans (or blogs with heavy MCU readership) anyway. I don’t really see people who aren’t steeped in MCU stuff ragging on Avatar for the most part. Those people are closer to “the general audience” and don’t give a flip.

The complaint about CGI in Animation is pretty much the same one you have in real films. It’s cheaper to do (in some cases) and it tends to kill a lot of professions to the point that only CGI remains (because it’s cheapest).

There’s a lot that goes into the politics of the body though. For a while, the Senate has at least had some level of civility in it with the House mainly consisting of Republicans playing to a base that didn’t want to see any bipartisanship whatsoever.

It’s weird McCarthy would think he would get the same treatment

I’m not really sure why it’s on them and not the customer/sites like io9 to pace themselves if that’s what they want to do.

I don’t even see how this is true. If you’re ad revenue based you care, but if you’re subscription based all you care about is renewing and new subscriptions. When those eyes hit your service don’t matter.

It definitely seems there’s a movement of non-binge customers or weekly-adjacent media to demand a return to