
Sure - but that move to block distribution to other platforms would be a valid FTC case. The idea that someone COULD do that is not really that valid since most Games or Movie publishing is basically already based on a a monopoly of IP as a premise.

Ultimately the line between nepotism and privilege becomes indistiguishable at a point. If it’s not related to you the author in what you do then I think that’s fine. But all nepotism is by definition: the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives, friends, or associates, especially by giving

I think the problem is, the FTC and Regulators have been asleep on the job so long, Microsoft can probably fairly argue a legal version of “why us exactly?”

This whole thing is so weird for me. I don’t really stan Microsoft, but the number of stakeholders that seem hell bent on holding Microsoft to a standard they don’t hold other companies to is kind of mind boggling. Microsoft IS NOT the dominant player in either the Console market nor the Game Development market.

Carmack is actually speaking to a fundamental reality of Tech in 2022. In order to create a product sufficiently polished you often have to staff up to levels that often create a lot of ineffeciency. Carmack came from id where a small team created a world changing game and if you wanted a job there, they didn’t care -

I mean there’s a comment on the same topic that Jeremy Clarkson and people like him should kill themselves which was well liked.

People have always gotten angry at weird stuff.

To each their own. I preferred when media sites didn’t cover them in the first place and stars ignored them.

It’s important to just keep in mind io9/Gizmodo tends to have active participants in the Snyder/DC feud so probably this isn’t the best place to figure out how things are landing since it will be pro Gunn as well as anti-Synder and has been for the last few years.

I know you’d have to recast because Edward Furlong is a walking problem, but maybe instead of “lets kill John Conner” they just... dealt with a kid who was already somewhat derailed in life by circumstance take up the Reese role instead of being unceremoniously killed off for reasons?

It’s more - given the competitive landscape the DoJ is already allowing, what’s the difference?

Meh - call me when a real antitrust case hits Apple, Google, or Disney.

Can they save the money for this and instead finish translating the rest of Isekai Ojiisan (Uncle from Another World)?

Sorry - haven’t really been around. Not saying anything that having parents is a bad thing. I’m saying people doing stupid shit is not exclusively a “didn’t have good parents” thing. Drug use and alcohol abuse also occurs with people who also have had loving parents.  And you know what?  Most parents cover this.

While that may have worked for you (primarily answering just so you’re not sitting in the greys), understand your experience is not universal. My statement isn’t a negative statement about fathers. It’s a positive statement in the individuality of children and experience. Neither fathers nor mothers will be at all

You’re oversimplifying. The need that streamers (or cam people if you want to give it that) provide is for people who are lacking intimacy. It’s obvious THIS is not the best way to get intimacy, but that is the draw for these people because parasocial relationships can be deceptive.

It’s best to simply handwave them as celebrities at this point. These days it’s a distinction without a purpose as people like Logan Paul or Kaitlyn absolutely swim in circles that bring them in touch with other celebrities and by extension other people of power.  That’s their peer group, not the viewers.

It’s not the “politics of George Lucas”, it’s the construction of the genre he was writing which was radio serials. 4, 5, and 6 were supposed to look and feel like something the audience had experienced before, and it did. It resonated with kids AND those people.

So you have one pop culture moment fighting against another pop culture moment. I mean, that tracks.

Sometimes a victim doesn’t have to be perfect.  Sometimes an antagonist doesn’t have to be reasonable.