
The thing about Zod’s neck being snapped was always more of a cultural moment thing than an “in context thing.” Zod is very clear he’s going to murder innocents and Supes has very limited options there by design of the scriptwriter. The more legit criticism is, “is this something I wanted to see”, but that’s also a

Hah. That reminds me of people talking about Rent A Girlfriend last season. That show was buried before episode 1 due to fan sentiment about the manga arcs and it’s score by the end of the season on MAL was mildly hilarious vs. what was actually on the screen.  Mind you, Rent A Girlfriend at its best is a specific

Twitter is still there for #ReleaseBatgirl.

Why is it that every person who defends TLJ doesn’t defend the movie, they attack the critic.  Nostalgia is a dog whistle at this point.

The people who only want the old stuff is probably so small bordering on non-existent. It’s more true there are people who want them to honor what came before.  Although that number is shrinking if not getting smaller since many of those have already seen themselves to the door.

Or Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

I find the need to control a narrative of what killed Star Wars is probably one of the more amusing meta-debates.

This is me. I was looking at the phone but took one look at the lightening connection, even after the EU slapped Apple for it and that’s all it took to talk me out of it. The lack of trash in the Apple software ecosystem is made up for in physical trash on the hardware side that will invariably need trashing as -all

The idea that they shouldn’t do it is just an extension of “gotcha” culture. It’s amazing how deep into it we are where we can’t even admit that many criticisms are just people taking premises far too seriously and someone has to defend themselves immediately rather than interrogating the question. If a real Squid

The problem may be they licensed early and by the time they had the thing ready, the fact it no longer fit stopped mattering because the deal was done.

I don’t think you’re being unfair. Corey has a very “generic, average looking white guy” look and so if he’s not working with anything then I can absolutely see that interpretation. Most of the parts I see him in are those parts. His face is also not compellingly attractive or strange which, lets be honest - is a

I’d actually reverse what many people are thinking and say look for actor/character combinations where its arguable the writing didn’t serve the actor.

There’s a lot of theories, but I think it’s probably more simple than many claim. Overwatch at its core was a 1st person reskin of a different genre (MOBA) which is highly competitive, almost toxically so and hugely predicated both on mechanical skills but also metas. This by way of a more Team Fortress 2 style of

If it makes you feel any better, there’s plenty of us that agree with you. The blog chose to render an opinion that differs from yours so you’re dealing with survivorship bias.

Unfortunately, the whole topic has been poisoned to a degree that I don’t think many actually entertain much of a real dialogue about story in relation to it so I’ll write this comment into the void of a necropost.. For example, when I watched TLJ, the dismissive reaction of AngrierGeek was pretty much my own.

Posting this one for you too as I said it down thread relating to the term edgelord. I find it interesting people are talking about this.

That is assuming Edgelord has a universal definition at this point. Obviously you have people agreeing with you, but it’s “woke”, “grimdark” for me in that it pretty much means whatever someone wants it mean.

Ultimately, since I suspect the problem was Marvel themselves didn’t necessarily want to commit such a big casting decision to a one-off, this makes sense.

Happy for the fans of the show.  I definitely enjoyed the first 2 seasons.  Haven’t gotten around to the third yet.

Star Wars fans are not a monolith. Marvel will invariably run into this if/when they start remixing the original run Avengers characters. When a fan base is huge, there’s lots of groups that all have different reasons for attachment. When something gets to be 40+ years old, all sorts of people with all sorts of life