
I know you’re not getting much support here but I’ll back you up. They were dumb, stupid fun.

Totally fair.  Back when I used to hop on chat boards and live chat about current episodes that sort of distribution was great.  But now I have too much to do and waiting for plot irritates me.

I’d like to see the legal complications that ensue. Given what the WWE forced other wrestlers to do in terms of Social Media and Youtube, are we going to see some lawsuit about his channel later? Are other wrestlers going to sue because those WWE stipulations weren’t in their original contract but then after the WWE

The thing is, there was a time when Hollywood knew how to account for certain factors hence your A list actors, etc. Exces don’t seem to know the formula or formulas that work now. Marvel as a brand was enough to carry it for a long time.

I think this is true with almost any property that streams now. I still haven’t watched an episode of The Boys and that’s intentional. I binge that show usually so quickly I don’t want to have to wait.

Marvel has enough hardcore fans to weather quite a bit. What is more likely than anything is for there just to come a point where the viewership tapers off a bit as the Casual viewer to cycle out just like Marvel Comics were in the 90's and 00's. I don’t think it’s going anywhere. But it may become like it’s comic

Clone Wars basically opened this Pandora’s box. We all knew the endpoint that needed to happen to start A New Hope. As soon as the decision was made to fudge the central tenants of the OT with there being a bunch of survivors running around, basically you question why anyone needs to stay dead.

I second what a lot of people already mentioned. This is definitely the most memed of the season and certainly just given by how the OP and ending themes did in Japan this was huge.  I’ve enjoyed it but maybe almost more for the craft than the story.

You can see my other post, and I don’t disagree with you for myself personally.

Honestly? I think you’re substituting the meta-post 2000's reinterpretation as the literal truth with Star Wars. Fascism certainly IS a part of Lucas conception of evil in the OT (THX 1138 also feels a little like this), but even to hear Lucas talk about his inspiration he is talking about very plain good vs. evil.

My advice is counterintuitive. To be clear, I don’t follow Star Wars (I actually started watching a clip of the new Obi-Wan Vader fight and was shocked I just shut it off midway through) although I used to be an enormous Star Wars fan. The advice?

I have this question too, especially when I see that or latinx specifically applied to people who would not use that identifier if you asked them.

Never watched it. Low brow reality has never been my thing (for those it is, love what you love.)

At the end of the day, people were warned this is where we were headed. The left could not (and ultimately did not) survive on a platform that is largely identity based. I actually don’t have issues with multiculturalism as a concept, but because politically there is no unifying principle to get chucklefucks to go out

Liberal/Leftists believing that conservatives can’t work past cognitive dissonance is the problem and that theoretical leftist thought is sufficient for policy making is the problem.. The right has the Supreme Court and they will reshape America while they have that opportunity. Joe Rogan or the Barstool Sports guy

Because wtf are we supposed to think at this point? Those of us who were in it every election and knew the stakes, all we can get out of this is “I told you so.” That’s not what any of us wanted.

The problem is going to be trying to enforce the idea of the Supremacy clause when even liberal groups have been making copious use of bypassing it through things like Medical Marijuana. When I was grewing up, I knew the Supremacy clause was a friend. That didn’t stop my generation from basically dismantling it

On the whole, I think you’re correct on this. The break in the fanbase is often those who accept the OT and PT for what it was written to be, and those that sort of wish it was a comic book where every nuance gets explored and retconned and is fine with movies missing required backstory (in the critical sense)

Having 500 to drop on a club is not the most exclusive thing in the world, but it is exclusive by definition.

Same. As long as the restrictions are to keep people from just lingering at the airport because they’d rather be there than home or somewhere else, it makes sense.