
Honestly I don’t think Dune is going to do that.

I mean - yes people ARE grumpy old nerds about it.

People don’t seem to believe this, but 1) is all the OT fans really wanted in the first place.

Pay off the previous series, tell a different story.

It wasn’t that you need the OT characters or now the Sequel trilogy characters to not appear - they just didn’t have to be the point.  They can be your Lobot type -”here’s

You’re right - Star Wars has to acknowledge that the schisms that were knowingly created can’t be reversed so obviously a choice has to be made as to which fans you’re going to coddle.

I’m fascinated by the concept that Ghostbusters outside of tone and characters is basically “people can trap supernatural things that exist” and there’s an extremely popular fan perception that you can’t do anything else with that premise and it’s exhausted.

And Sailor Moon is a shojo.

No matter what - the “Convention” circuit is going to have to reset over the next decade.

I think you’re overthinking this a bit. io9 and “a fan”’s use of these conventions are not even remotely similar.

I’m honestly curious how the business model will change.

— On Edit: Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

‘eh - the RLM guys seem to have specific types of film preferences period. They also tend to get worked up into viewpoints which sometimes blow that up. So unless Stoklasa, Evans, and Bauman are currently being harangued by fans or are kvetching non-stop prior to watching it my guess is it will be how it “strikes”

I mean, most successful twitch channels have an element of “specific audience / first entrant in with critical mass”. Think Alex Jones when it’s not like he’s the only “crazy” out there.

Ahh yes, the Tucker Carlson path to success.

That’s fair. I think my problem with the stick/carrot aspect of it is I just don’t have the time. And so while the early game was enjoyable to me, I wish there was a way to put it back into “delightful cruise” that isn’t powering through a section of the game I don’t really have time nor (to be honest) the desire to

I think the problem itself is the Gacha mechanic. And I agree with those downthread that its sort of a, “if you don’t like it, move on situation.”

You’ll run into walls.

Adventure Rank 12 is still pretty forgiving. Once you start getting into the upper 20's and the World Rank changes you can end up in some really nasty (To do X, Do Y. - To Do Y Do Z. - To Do Z, Do X) just because of the way the levels work.

Granted, if you’re a twitchy teenager that doesn’t mind

That’s true, but that’s the problem when “the company” owns your character. These aren’t games you can take home and just crack on your own time. Any ongoing time spent is an agreement between you and a 3rd party.

On my copy Cyberpunk (to pick a Kotaku bashing favorite), whatever I do is pretty much up to me.  But that

I feel like that’s an unfair generalization. The reality is that every fandom has (unless it lacks men entirely), the usual 1 in 100 jerkface, and more than likely fans that are on the other end of the political spectrum. If you look at a bunch of the MOTU “backlash”, you see it baked into Conservative twitter.

Is there a cast list for the subtitled version? All IMDB comes back with is the US cast (I think.)

It was always a sketchy criticism. As early as the first Sequel, there was an extremely vocal anti-Kylo faction.  And usually when someone hates something, everything they do from making a joke to eating crackers is under a microscope.