
Yea - I love Nolan.  But I did get mad when suddenly it switched from Chi to NY.  Fake one or fake the other.  Don’t fake both.

The problem is the style is so exaggerated, I’m not even sure you could make it realistic since you wouldn’t even see a reasonable facsimile in real life.

Probably the cleanest way to deal with it honestly. Given how popular he became, the Harley behavior was either going to have to end with him being the antagonist or just making people sad for him if Ivy had made the decision.  This is sort of have your cake and eat it.

His backstory makes a lot of sense on a human level and even works fairly well for the scene where he kills his father (he has trouble with it) and the bombing run to kill his mother (he has trouble with it).

It can also be inferred from JJs retcon, that may not have been the intent.  The mystery box was kept closed too long.  Certain characters did what they did explicitly to service other stories.

Is there a source for this or just a feeling?

I bemoan that production monopolies like Disney have been able to do this to the industry. I see a lot of complaints about how the experience is lacking, this or that, but none of it gives the context of theater operation.

In order to show Disney, Universal films you are signing distribution contracts that lock you in

It’s best understood just by reading the comments that were being posted on blogs through Seasons 2-5.

A lot of people didn’t seem to “get” GRRM’s very obvious critique on human power dynamics and kept waiting for a hero’s journey to break out. It was as if somehow Eddard Stark’s death was going to be evidence he was a

It really wasn’t a majority although it felt like it. What it was, was Sci-Fi blogs and critics specifically did not like the deus ex machina eventhough it had been telegraphed from miniseries. I love Sci Fi and I love that it expands many people’s minds, but many people get trapped into believing only one kind of

That entire ethos may be the problem. Whether we like it or not, Modern Superhero fare all appear to have “generic action scene A” as a requirement which is as true in Iron Man as it is in Dr. Strange.

I really don’t have problems with people who brought their comic book/animated knowledge with them and thus didn’t like story choices. That was a big component of Raimi Spider-Man hate. I’d find a tantram in a young man believable but again - it’s just a writing choice. I just acknowledge that that’s an individual

I think they have for the most part. This is HBOMax so the closest counterparts are Star Trek or the Mandelorian. They’re making something for a small subset of fans with the production cost of a Rom-Com.

I think controversial was the death knell though. Maybe IO9 remembers it differently, but if we rewind to the time of Man of Steel, Joss Whedon had recently done Avengers and gone through his “I’m not ready for deconstruction” thing and Nolanverse and Marvel were coexisting.

That hasn’t really been Snyder’s position. His position has just been the film we saw was a departure from what was planned. And that’s really no surprise to anyone regardless of whether he said it or not. How much they’d need to reshoot would seem to be mostly contingent on how much unused footage that was trashed

I have little hope they can salvage this as I doubt there was enough in the can to hugely change what we saw. That said, context is often the difference between something working or not which is why BvS extended wasn’t great but it was better.

That said, if they are chopping things up and going back to original cuts,

This is literally the funniest bunch of comments I’ve ever seen.  I don’t even care what happens to the film - the apoplectic fit being had by the internet is comedy gold.

Like TLJ, it was far too politicized to be anything other than a lightening rod. I actually had a weird experience where I liked it the first time and then hated it the second time.  I should probably watch it a third time and figure out which opinion I actually agree with.

I don’t think Joker and Harley would work simply because unlike Luke and Vader, Joker is so complicit in damage to Harley that no one would really want to see Harley even want that from him. Let alone Joker is pretty much plot fodder and always has been - you look too deeply at him and he doesn’t make any

I mean look at Jasper and fans in SU.

The problem is, that characterization would basically make Kite-Man a unicorn. Unless of course we’re talking about some sort of poly arrangement anyway.  Are there happiness pumps in the world? Sure. But the vast majority of people are going to take that kind of thing as a major loss and/or betrayal (it’s probably