
What part of The Witcher books requires British accents to convey the setting? Is it the lack of castles or the presence of alchemy? It’s already been done the other way which is my point. However there’s this presumption in entertainment which I feel is baked in to a lazy casting process.

Cooincidentally Brits have

For you personally you don’t need to agree. But if you see my comment up thread you’ll see why I don’t like it. The American acting establishment is all but dead with pretty much the only actors making it being Stars kids, Disney projects, and the odd model.

I’ve heard this before, but if I hear another Brit butcher a simple Western US accent I’m going to scream.

While I don’t have a problem with him not doing American since Doug Cockle already did that one and at that point he’s imitating, I do wish the insistence on every fantasy universe having Western European accents would just die.

I kind of feel like that’s because that was “your jam”. In retrospect even the cartoons are newer cannon than original EU stuff. It’s kind of like, “whose experience got chopped in half.”  And it wasn’t the same for everyone.

For the life of me - I’ll never understood how Star Wars got so small in the first place. I grew up playing games like Tie Fighter and X-Wing which were about elements of the universe - not continuing the story of the movies.

Just so we’re not misunderstanding each other, I’m speaking to the impetus, not the reaction. People of various persuasions REACTED to the the rewrite of Luke Skywalker. People of various persuasions REACTED to the minimization and shove to the side of Rose Tico.

In retrospect, I wonder if the single biggest place the whole thing got so out of hand was the decision to jettison the EU. The reason I say that, is so much of what has been getting the sabers rattling was decisions made based on the OT characters and perhaps a large reason for that is the ability of people over 30

So tabling the usual IO9 drag on the movie -

That’s why I included Star Trek which is probably a better example in terms of what you’re talking about.

And yet, Black Mirror endures.

To an extent yes - as long as you’re consistent with it.

‘eh I’ve always found this spurious when Feige has a listed credit in SM3 and openly thinks he was able to get financing BECAUSE of those films.

And that’s where I think to some extent they’re open to monopoly charges. Because they can through their own behavior actually destroy that industry if they choose. The vertical power they have from creation to distribution is too much.

I’m not sure that’s true. The original breakup of the studios was forced by what studios were doing to their downstream distributors to which the distributors have no choice. It didn’t affect the consumer directly - it affected them indirectly. You want to show my movie? You agree to these terms.

To each their own.  It’s always been in that very average “retread” territory.  The one thing about TFA is that it intentionally moves so quickly you don’t catch the seams on first viewing.  TBH, it’s not one I rewatch either, I just don’t understand the hate.  It was inoffensive.

Glad to validate you. It really isn’t meant to be a dig at people who liked it because I’ll freely admit there are certain films that looked at a certain way and depending on your context will work better for one person than another. But my context is I watch a metric ton of film outside of genre and for the life of

Oh probably. Hell I was one of those, “she’s kind of a mary sue isn’t she?” ones at the beginning. I didn’t mean it offensively, I just didn’t see the flaws in that film. After it became “a thing” I sort of just gently escorted myself out of the conversation.  I guess I’m saying, I never thought it was a perfect film,

TLJ debates are so plainly in identity territory at this point it’s probably not even worth worrying about. If you liked it, whatever. If you don’t, whatever.

Is “waiting for nostalgia to be over” the new “Marvel fatigue?”