
Sure he does. He hired the editor. At the end of the day, it’s been weird to see Lucas go from almost being worshiped to being the source of everything that’s wrong with Star Wars. The fact is he isn’t a good director or writer, but he’s a phenomenal visionary. He had the right parts for the OT. He had the wrong parts

Without spoiling the film, the biggest problem this has is like a lot of movies before it it falls for the nostalgia-killing trap where you take some element you don’t realize people identified with and remove it. I tend to find moves like this misunderstand that an audience can deal with past and present

I’m an artsy dude and it’s the dumbest discussion ever. Are they Art. Yes.

Probably worth noting here this was after the villians turn and the villians turn included a song by a villian.  As long as Glitter wasn’t paid - I honestly took that move as intentional.  I was somewhat shocked people didn’t notice it earlier.

‘Eh - I’ve sort of allowed for the fact I haven’t really found (much) decent criticism for or against this movie. There’s just too many that want to judge it by what it’s not or have something profound to say about the present to... you know actually discuss the film we saw.

I enjoyed it. It was pleasantly exactly what I thought it would be and outside of the final speech which was out of place, could have been cut down to bare bones and worked better, it was an interesting way to stitch the mythos together. I actually wouldn’t want to follow the Batman in this specific universe as it

YEa - this is more you fitting this film into your preconceptions. This is a writers take on it. I’ve seen the version of Joker you suggest. I’ve also seen versions of the Joker that behave as if written by comedians that are quite predictable, just brutal.

Interestingly I thought the Wayne stuff was probably the weakest part. I will say it did work for fleshing out the tumult inside of Gotham prior to the climax. Thomas is just terrible.

So are you limiting this to comic book movies? Because if yes I’d agree.

No, a movie really doesn’t need that. This isn’t the first movie like that. It won’t be the last.

To your point, this is sort of why I’ve hated the last 8 years or so. I like everything - bad film, artsy film, dumb simple film, etc. There’s just such hate-boner that certain groups have for properties that tick certain boxes and while it doesn’t always happen it’s been on full display here.

I mean it’s not like Character studies haven’t been done with Comic Book films before. Probably the biggest problem with having Zach Snyder handle the DCEU is people somehow pidgeon-holed the DC films as “dark” rather than as a continuation of the character study that was the Nolan trilogy. Nolan was “dark” but mostly

The problem is, that can’t happen. CBS AllAccess is a good example of using a specific property to prop up something early. So Star Trek helps them get the early adopters. But play it out long enough and other things that are more universally appealing will become more important.

Thing is a bunch of people talk a great game about how bad this is and will get Disney+ day one. For the most part I’m just making rational choices. Disney overrates and overprices their content historically. Even in the DVD days a Disney product would 4 to 15 dollars more expensive then your random action flick.  I

I think the problem is I don’t think the TV “arc” is where Book “arc” was ever going. D&D capitalized on the Internets perhaps overfascination with specific side characters such as Brienne. A lot of what made Book Jamie and Brienne work is Jamie was human, not the total monster we assumed he was.

Ultimately there’s probably the Internet disconnect we have to thank for this. You only need to look at this site to see how dismissive the She-Ra (even the creator) and She-Ra reporting audience are of He-Man as a property. So there’s limited upside to start with. Charles title isn’t even the 5th dig at He-Man.

I mean, that’s an extremely egalitarian way to look at it. But since the Movie industry gonna’ industry, unless there’s a similar backlash because of how this was approached (there won’t be), regardless of intent all the internet did was get people fired.

You’d simply move to a cheaper house. Happens all the time. Do I want to pay an American or Canadian or British firm? I mean it makes sense when you’ve already budgeted. But once you’re now over budget? You absolutely find the cheapest house you could.

This, in a nutshell is why I think Carey is correct unequiv0cally. Had the movie gone through and bombed - the investors would have been hurt.

Umm, he’s talking about the animators.