
I don’t think so. You rightly focus largely on how the burden is on women to protect themselves and I get it. It’s a moral hazard that women face. But the thing that every man deals with is as we’ve culturally decided men have no place in saying whether or not a woman should bear a child (this is fine), we created a

In bullet form - still ended up being wordy.

Part of me doubts that she will. With the Dorne plot threads, etc., I can see Dany not even directly fighting that battle.  I can’t put my finger on it - but just seems if the White Walkers are any sort of real threat, you CAN’T have one war and then the other. It just won’t be plausible. In reality, if Cersei was

Yea, the problem I’ve often found with “dense” text is, if people are interested every little bit is examined. If people hop on the “not worth it train”, everything that was subtly pointed out tends to get missed.

‘Eh - I’ve followed this blog, r/freefolk, r/asoiaf and you really do need to get past people disagreeing with you on this. It’s not that people are disagreeing because they “missed something.”

I’d definitely agree. Everything so far as made sense, it’s just the choices of focus at times have not been great coupled with the fact if anyone really thinks about it, the original appeal of the show is gone - these chess matches between characters that were deep, layered, and nuanced.

I’ve always thought IO9's response on this was weird. I jives with what you’re saying, but certain narratives such as “Star Wars must be about Skywalkers unless we explicitly kill it” always seemed such a fan-based narrative.

The massive overrepresentation of a small group of toxic fans online makes it harder for you to post your ideas and be heard respectfully? Welcome to how women and minorities experience the Internet every day of their lives.

Random nobles in the free cities weren’t necessarily her enemies. She made it clear that they were because SOME of the nobles may be doing bad things.

I tend to not ascribe too much to willful blindness. I think fan makeup changed quite a bit from the start.

I think the issue with “Madness” is that it doesn’t mean anything. If I drop a bomb and kill 200 people because there was a terrorist leader there I’m not mad. If I kill 2 people for my own reasons, I am.

It depends if you think she trusted everyone around her. Her own words, she can’t get Jon or anyone else to do what she feels they should for her out of love. What she has, is fear of that dragon. Jon has the better claim and the secret is out. Nothing would have stopped her generals or the rest of Westeros from

I think “Geek Culture” or whatever the hell people are designating themselves needs to reconcile that there’s a distinct split in values/culture that’s emerged and it’s sort of brokered a “no-holds-bard” you’re “with us or against us” mentality. Like a lot of things, I notice a trend in people having specific opinions

Since I disagree with you about 8 (I had a lot of personal criticisms against it), I’ll ungrey this. I think that’s my point though - there’s a “movement” and in that movement a large amount of bad criticism gets green lit amongst what may be valid.

*deleted comment stuck in the wrong place.*

‘Eh - Someone said the VFX thing should be discussed but honestly I’d be curious how much of this is pure meme culture being largely out of hand. I hate to bring up Marvel / DC, but Nintendo / Sega was a thing for a while so it’s... interesting to see vaguely creepy CGI monstrosities as “cute” vs. vaguely creepy CGI

To me, a lot of this drama is just the usual suspects overreacting.

Frankly in the 90's, social groups had a better understanding of their own self interest coupled with in the 90's, Bill Clinton was extraordinarily popular. Maybe people got spoiled by Obama, but being charasmatic/unblemished isn’t necessary if you’re voting your self-interest (see H.W. Bush and Trump on the R side).

“Aeryn’s whole life is depending on this outcome,” said Black, “so she’s watching the coin. And Crichton never takes his eyes off her. He’s watching her the entire time. What a beautiful and exquisite way for Ben to tell that story.”

Considering yourr use of this: