
It’s all good.

Not really buying this. If it was about repayment to the victims, the money would go to the victims. It does not.

I absolutely agree with this through The Force Awakens. No one’s ox had been gored yet.

I think herein is why fans are causing problems for each other. The idea that it’s “ok to (not) like it” but a careful self-inventory for one group is required is basically self-nullifying.

I actually find this very interesting. In a sense, my wife and I have sort of always embraced a sort of “lease with option to renew” mindset in that we are both committed to each other, but we’re not starry eyed that our partnership doesn’t come without cost to the other person. If she is with me, she is not with

You’re kinda slow aren’t you? Bipartisanship isn’t really about “right”. It’s about preserving peace. You can choose to go moral crusader with it, but essentially bipartisanship is the agreement (that often DOES compromise the rights of others) that at any given point of history, behavior X is something a society will

Jeff - DPS players SHOULD wait 30 minutes into the game. Do that enough times and if you don’t have the skill to play it well AND you’re not getting to play that often, you’ll probably switch.

Well now with Ready Player One out of the way we can dust off the ‘ole Jurassic World salt mines.

It’s not really a problem unless people stop playing. By the looks of it, people are mostly fine with it.

You do realize you took a fairly innocuous post about how people are omitting evidence of people being jerks on both sides and proceeding to be a jerk right?

As I said up thread to someone else, that’ s confirmation bias talking. I’ve been around here forever and like DCEU, like MCU, like flippin’ Ghostbusters, it’s been two sides that act like jerks to each other and then insist it’s the “other” side.

Too bad they stopped posting articles about confirmation bias.

Maybe it’s because I remember so many different variations of so many different concepts, but this just doesn’t suprise me. There was a period there when Overwatch was going through its toxicity thing and you saw people bail for PUBG because they were either having a good game or were starting over quickly (rather

I think you’d have more of a point if it hasn’t been this way for years. The UK gets the largest blockbusters earlier generally. That’s because the largest blockbusters tend to be Marvel and/or Star Wars.

Honestly, I think it depends. I’m a huge movie nerd to the point that I actually appreciate legit film criticism. X Movie did this well, sybolized x/y/z, and here’s a cinematography breakdown. Those critics are there for people like me who have just watched a ton of film and like to analyze. I “see” what they’re

Truthfully, doing that is a cop out. But frankly there are plenty of films out there where the criticism fails to even clear the extremely low bar of comprehension.

I’m going to have a different hot take. EnVyUs has been dominant for a while. esports is the only sport where its so keyed in on reaction time, it is very possible they are now being exposed by younger, quicker competition. Profit is 18. Seagull is 25.

I think the problem here (is probably what the Pro’s are also thinking) - Mercy.

This would really be a good time for people to read about the “Golden Age of Hollywood” which admittedly struck me as I was watching The Last Jedi.

By that logic, can you be reasonably sure they’re not going to Salt Lake?