
Again, this is a man that has watched another man sacrifice his male children to white walkers. He’s killed his own brother of the Night’s Watch to complete a mission. He’s seen cruelty and sacrifice.

It was a bit strange. Obviously that stuff comes from the book as there is a battle in ADWD that we never saw in the show until now, but so much of it smacks of “Dany needs something to do and we don’t have much time for those arcs this season.” How Varys and Tyrion seemed that caught off card seems really OOC and

I was struck with the similarities of Jon and his (presumed) father, Ned Stark. Jon acts as if everyone is honorable, and it bites him in the ass every time.

Why though? I mean Sophie Turner took the Jean Grey role because of name recognition but her American accent is absolutly atrocious. We don’t need to bend over backwards to give people roles because they are good in something else.

I’m not expecting it to fix it, but part of the problem with the Theatrical cut was characterizations which didn’t make a whole lot of sense and jumped a bit. So you could conceivably have been missing key bits of backstory.

My only question is would the armies displayed in ASOIAF be too large relatively speaking. I really ought to go back and read the The World of Ice and Fire which might actually sort that question out for me

The pacing issue is a TV vs. books thing. People travelling in the books take much, much longer. I do actually suspect Westros is more based off Britain, but to be honest they have a lot of armies proportionally, so maybe it’s a bit bigger.

Honstly, that is probably not the slam-dunk evidence you think it is. The article itself is an opinion piece. A majority of the commenters on it disagree with the premise. And having watched that entire rather uneven season pretty much find that it either mischaracterizes or tends to miss the point of entire episodes

When he went to that storage unit, I thought that’s who was going to show up.

There’s a difference between an affiliation and a person though and GRRM/This Show have been hammering that since S1E1. The idea that the waif has self interest and a sadistic streak really isn’t out of line. Whether it’s the Sand Snakes not actually having fealty, The Hound trying to walk out of King’s Landing with

Yea but didn’t ODeck basically become something they stuffed out of everyone’s vision because of a crosspost from it that turned out to be plagarized?

I actually do think we’ll see that arc and mainly it’s because of the arc in the Riverlands. You can certainly do a Jamie- Brienne-Blackfish-Frey story in the Riverlands that can be resolved without Catelyn Stark, but the addition of the Brotherhood without Banners as a fighting force and a seige at Riverrun without

People care because it’s about what the party looks like after the election, that’s it.

I think to some degree, there’s an element of the Wright/Pegg fanbase that Pegg/Wright didn’t realize doesn’t have the same background they do. Zombies were low hanging fruit. Everyone has seen action movies. But Tripod-esque science fiction has always been niche and what you send up in that genre is not

Pretty much. She was describing a family/boyfriend interaction that actually sounded like gatekeeping.

Because she’s far from the only person that’s done it. It’s a historically grey area in Presidential administrations as different Admins have had different ways of protecting communications they don’t want ultimately to become public.

Honestly, this has been so long that no one actually presents this story correctly. Monica Lewinsky ALSO lied about it on a sworn affidavit in the Paula Jones investigation. Monica and Bill were telling the same story until...

How? There’s nothing to step up. This is what Clinton supporters worried the Sanders campaign tactics would ultimately result in. This line of attack was used on the left successfully as well after being 2 decades old on the Republican side. There is no defense for it as Hillary was part of her husband’s White House

Umm, we’re talking about TMNT 1990.

The interesting thing about that first movie is that I didn’t appreciate it in its time.