
You could go more screwball than that. I mean technically if the mists activate anyone who would have been a mutant the natural way, technically all your new mutants are Inhumans.

Curious myself honestly. I’m terrified it’s going to be written poorly however.

What I always find fascinating is the propensity of Native Americans to exist or be erased depending on what narrative someone is trying to write. There were periods in cinema where they were well represented AND not charicatures. There were periods when they were there to be shot at. When white people wanted to feel

It’s simple. Like FF4 where Fox listened to the interenet, WB listened to the internet when it lost its collective mind over Batman running back towards the tower after the little kid. In Fox’s case, it was a terrible idea because it’s quite obvious they tried to hit the undo button much to far into production which

In BSG, what are God’s motiations? What is the solution to the Problem of Evil? - Exactly.

That’s not really a problem though, that’s your personal preference in that case. If you think of the normal resolution for what a Sci-Fi show is, Moore’s choice specifically comes across with full intent when you consider he started under Roddenbery and existed in the same genre as Dr. Who, Stargate, or Farscape that

I get what you’re going for, but yea Kung Fu feels a bit out of place here. And that’s from someone who didn’t watch it. If something can survive for 80+ episodes, it wasn’t ill-conceived. It just wasn’t your cuppa’. You just don’t get 80 episodes unless (or 4 years if you want to look at it that way) on accident.

Ahh Don Davis...

It’s highly possible that people don’t give Ron Moore enough credit. Defiance is another show full of ex-BSG’ers (with a little Rockne dialogue thrown in) that can’t seem to keep their characters together so much. Nolan and Irisa may be two of the most random/deus ex machina based progragonists I’ve ever seen and they

For me, DC has Microsoft problems. And by that I mean, Microsoft is this major player in its field that has zero cultural cachet and an actively vocal critics peanut gallery. It is then beset by competitors like Marvel or Indie comics that much like Apple or a decentralized Google have these extremely vocal supporters

It is not uncommon, especially in cross-format (book/movie, movie/TV) for actors and actresses to intentionally NOT consume the source material so that they aren’t bringing in motivation and behaviors not called for by the script. GoT basically told their actors not to read the books although some already had or did

Yes the ratings were down but there were two things really going on around that time. The management structure had been shuffled at Syfy and they were about to embark on thier kick of reality shows and WWE entertainment. They had just rebranded. And to top that off, that really was the decade where DVR wasn’t getting

Just curious, why did you think Topher Grace was ho-hum? He seemed like he nailed exactly what the script was asking him to be. And unfortunately for him as an actor, he doesn’t seem to be good looking enough nor charismatic enough to be Tyrion Lannister, but the dude can certainly approximate a Joffrey. It was the

Don’t take this the wrong way, but there are times when IO9 feels like Joy from inside out.

Sorry, just trying to ungray this mostly.

Fans or the general audience? Because the difference between those two can be an astonishing one. Fans (at the time) we’re extremely mixed on Raimi’s Spider-Man flicks. The general audience and critics though were not.

Marvel/Fox/WB are too big. They are going to make the films they want to make.

Or kids are vicious. While they absolutely model behavior, I think people don’t give enough credence to the fact that kids are self-aware of the proto-hierarchies they exist in and there’s differing coping strategies (even in the same families) for that, many of which are extremely aggressive.

If you look at the people who have massive issues with Intersteller you’re going to see a large cross section of people who also kvetch about DC and geek out about Marvel. For whatever reasons may come up, there are some complaints that occur about Nolan that occur because he’s Nolan. On some level where they’re more

Yea, he was bettered later in his career by better boxers. It took him 5 years to be beaten. Rousey’s career is 4 years old. I have no problem hating the man or putting his entire career in context. But we’re comparing him to someone whose career is a lot younger and someone who is for practical purposes one year