
The strange thing is though, as much as people survive it it may be more accurate to say it goes into remission.They’ve all but told men who’ve had it to not have sex indefinitely. And the Dr. In Manhattan survived but later had issues with his eyes where they found the virus still active. Not claiming absolute

I doubt at this point it matters. People expect these stingers from Marvel and those that love Marvel would enjoy it if they just stuck a wide angle lens shot of a kitten at the end. I don’t have nearly the issue with the AoU teaser that you did, but I must admit we are getting really far away from the level of buzz I

The headline isn’t associating it in any way that academic study hasn’t. Both childhood trauma AND bipolar (and it gets worse with comorbid diagnoses) have positive corrolations when it comes to future violent behavior. Does that mean those diseases are an unavoidable sentance? No. Does that mean they should be

Well, it’s not like the plethora of dude lead films stemmed from their immaculate quality. Sometimes a little extra money means Kickboxer 2.

I’ll sidestep that your point is people aren’t complaing when it’s very clear we are complaining about how rapey the comic is AS was TMS when they wrote an article like this. To your point though, why would the characters in a backstory be the exact same characters with the exact same behaviors post a point of change?

I agree on a level if this was BSG. But I think the problem is the whole War Boys situation is unquestionably terrible but the fanbase created from the film is not particularly interested in that kind of story. It’s just not what Fury Road was. Fury Road was a more uplifting action piece about change. Not a meditation

Fury Road was a perfect example of starting your drama at the point of change (GoT being another particularly great example which is why people hate AFoC and ADWD because they are essentially backstory for the next two books). Backstory is the why, but any decent storyteller can show the why efficiently without

I agree with you. Maybe it’s the fact I’m more of a movie geek than I am a superhero/scifi geek but I am getting so confused about what is acceptable dumbness these days. Every Marvel film has been dumb in its own way IF you want to be the jerk who breaks it down. That doesn’t make them bad films.

I’m sorry but is the Marvel fandom Tsk’ing blockbusters?

Well someone said it on the internet so it must be true...

How? I like Firefly so don’t get me wrong but I’d struggle if you asked me how/what it actually influenced. Serial in Sci Fi predates it. Melodrama or fine characterization predates it (and not even by a few years). Witty dialogue was again already present. Physics got used before it. You could argue BSG shares some

Interesting. Because I had the same impression with the original but two things for me were true. One, people hadn’t figured out what we’d eventually come to realize was an incredibly fast control scheme from the original Doom (which made almost everything feel like an Arena) which got exploited and maximized in

You’re right. Honestly I was just doing a really quick checklist and immidiately found Brits in everything else. I think I just passed by Jarvis thinking of the on screen actors.

Outside of Iron Man, I don’t think Marvel has a property that doesn’t have Brits in it. I could be wrong (but I don’t think I am.)

I’d say yes. A bad set that follows you home is worse than anything Seinfeld and his ilk dealt with in their day. Yea, dealing with someone angry at a club or a small local group swearing you off isn’t good... but it’s a whole lot better than a retweet fest resulting in a mischaractarization of what a comic’s set may

Honestly, since historians tend to regularly have arguments I’d find that this isn’t really uncommon. It’s usually a question of how people tend to weight which bits of evidence eventhough multiple people have the exact same evidence.

I’m not sure if you’re being disingenuous or not. Yea, the rest of the movie (especially most of the characters that were women) had problems in terms of script and execution. But that is not what blew up a vast majority of pop culture. Perhaps it was the lazy bloggers of pop culture that pointing out those individual

I’m not sure this is a perfect answer, but those men already have a death sentence on them and they have already seen Stannis and Melisandre roast people before. The show is pretty clear in setting up that the loss of supplies coupled with the loss of the ability of the army to move means they will be dying of

No, it’s fair enough. Contra for better or worse like a lot of games from that generation were contingent on pattern recognition, reaction, and memory. Those thousands of projectiles like most games (especially in those years) had a pattern and if you knew it and reacted perfectly you won. Dark Souls, AGAIN contains

I think that’s true. But at the same time, I think the reason guys like Seinfeld or even Chris Rock who said something similar previously are talking about this is a vast majority of great television/film/comedy (especially) doesn’t come from people doing it for the first time. I think they see these young comics