
I’m going to go with Andomander-Brood.

It’s not really a fresh start though. We’re Rangers fans. We remember him beginning to be a bonehead again before he left. We’re not all entirely enthused that he’s back.

From a guy I don’t care about (Whitlock) to a site that seems to be committed to attacking him monthly, I commend you on successfully reaffirming my lack of caring.

Jeebus. If people imagined that Microsoft did half the things that Google actually does, Microsoft would have already been broken up. I am honestly shocked knowing how anti-trust has worked in the past that both Google and Apple seem to be teflon.

True enough. I guess my point is, they’re just not particularly different and people don’t really give Whedon much flack for not setting up Wash very well in that movie. It’s just not a complaint I see, so I see Coulson as roughly the same thing.

Umm... Joss has historically done this. MCU fans may have not remembered that or instantly recall things he’s said about the Terminator franchise, but honestly this is old hat for Whedon. He’s attacked multiple people he’s worked with over the years and usually the biggest cause? Screwing with what he’s written.

I’ll rain on your parade there. I felt the same way about Wash you felt about Coulson. They have about the same beats. Coulson’s essentially given the task of collecting the guys in the Avengers and nerding out with Steve. He’s endearing but he doesn’t stick. If you’ve watched other films, he means more. But within

I don’t necessarily disagree except you are an anonymous screen name telling the world on Jezebel or voluntarily telling your close friends. For better or worse, he’s his own brand that he maintains through his work, personal interactions, and what information about himself he discloses. That brand has upwards of

Terrible grammar brought to you by nonexistent words and autocorrect.

Making eye-winking bad film is older than Roger Corman whom is most certainly older than Asylum. Human musculature isn't copy writable. Hell, bad film could be it's one genre as it actually has a cult following. I'm not really getting the problem.

Wait and see? What kind of fan are you?!

I think he always knew as he was a contemporary of Christopher Plummer in the same company. Even Plummer hammed it up when he was in Star Trek. I think the main thing was he did what he was asked to do with Kirk and generally everyone who hired him after that wanted some version of the same thing.

You're insisting something that's interpretation at best. No, there are no scenes in Starcraft I of those two macking, but Raynor spends an inordinate amount of time trying to save one person from New Gettysburg. For a lot of us, there really wasn't a retcon. The story was paying off the threads that were always

Depends what your headcannon was I guess. Back when it came out, I always saw them as a pair. Mengsk's gambit with Kerrigan might have pissed of Raynor were they not together, but after seeing a multitude of people murdered already in that mission he sure goes ballistic in a hurry when Mengsk decides he's going to

Be it not said that I like Justin Bieber, but aren't Oliver Broudy's complaints about Bieber the exact same complaints you could have about Taylor Swift? Hell, Beyonce had a hit song by the time she was 16 so I don't really see her filling out job apps.

I'm not sure honestly. The Ghostbusters franchise has popped up as a point of nostalgia multiple times. But then it went from, "we have some ideas" to "we're going to do it this way" to "you can only do it this way and any other way you do it is terrible."

Sorry, but as much as people want me to be annoyed by this...

I'm sorry, are we having a conversation or are you just looking for an opportunity to screed?

Yet an adaptation they remain. I loved Edge of Tomorrow and yes I knew it was an adaptation. This is not a referendum on adaptations being halted as an art form. It's that as you point out (whether or not you realize it) far more adaptations get made and while risk never goes away, there's a reason these things get

That is quite a list of below average film right there.