
No it's not. My issue isn't with movie adaptations. My issue is the exclusivity of adaptations.

But it is an adaptation which is kissing cousins with cynical Hollywood project selection.

Wow this is a pointedly snippy post. They're side effects. They don't hit everyone.

Another angle of this. I know on the women's side of this, HRT has the same links to heart and cancer issues. So I'm curious, is it just we haven't arrested the other aspects of aging when we try these therapies and hence the body is getting too much of something that it's designed to not be dealing with at that

What studies have been conducted often give contradictory results.

I saw it at 8. Mine was quite lovely.

It does sound like something from Portlandia.

Besides Story,I think what people forget about the original Trilogy is how SFX were being improved by factors every film. That took time more than money. As excited as I may be for these films, they really can be assembly style productions in large part because the hard parts have already been done. At this point

Fry was always the protagonist to me when I watched. She is the focal point of change and growth. Her end just isn't ideal for a protagonist (in terms of what the audience wants) and in the end that's part of why it was such a strong film.

As was stated elsewhere, there still are children's adventure movies even now.

I think the big difference you have there is type of game. A timed game or round based game you can play out the clock to the end because generally there is a default assumption that either anything can happen (a baseball team cannot be strategically defeated - it's just beaten). Likewise most pro sports you can

Sorry dude, are you really making a comparison between showing up for games unpaid because of contract negotiations when no existing CBA exists and two sides can't agree on terms and not showing up for games you're expected to because you feel like you don't have your A game and/or a fan is bothering you? Is that

Sorry dude, are you really making a comparison between contract negotiations when no existing CBA exists and two sides can't agree on terms and not showing up for games you're expected to because you got drunk the night before or weren't taking your job seriously for a month?

These guys are actors, not mascots.

I've never understood the human expectation of perfection in human beings. What someone does and what they think are separate things.

Bromance is one of those terms that I've never understood its need. To me, it was always just what a really good friendship was. It was around long before the term and it existed in pop culture for almost as long as we had it.

It's not like the NFL is exactly great at conflict of interest. I don't think the NFL rescinded or even forced John Mara to recuse himself in doling out cap punishment to his division rivals because maybe, just maybe he wasn't the most partial guy to be heading that thing up.

And this is where it ends. I will not watch the actual teaser trailer. Too much time wasted.

Did Doc Ock need multiple movies to move the audience? Did Flint even?

Thanks Annalee. I know at times I complained about the debunkery on cleanses (specifically at the time because specifically anything affecting the gut often tends to be understudied) but I find specifically inflammatory bowel issues to be one of those areas where medical science just hasn't gotten around to fixing a