
Thing is, if something hypothetically deadly or injurious happens to Wilson in his home, unless the Times can prove how this is normal procedure for them they really don't need to apologize to be open for litigation. The hard thing for the Wilson family will be to prove that the culprit got that information there.

Well, it's not really unusual volatility. Only making 123 when you expect 150 is an 18% drop. Lionsgate only went down 10% primarily because I doubt analysts expect that drop to be sustainable but it's relevant enough that the stock was currently overvalued.

I dunno... I mean yes I absolutely agree with this conceptually but if we start digging into the archives of Jezebel, do we think allowing people to be complex beings that make mistakes or say/do stupid things is the normal mode of operations for celebrities here?

IMO - that's been one of my greatest pet peeves about hard difficulty settings in RPG's. Often it DOES feel like you can't command something, you have to micromanage it which doesn't feel like being a general or a commander or a leader. It feels like I'm playing a game. I find it sort of sucks the RPG element out

I agree. One of the odder things about criticism these days is people having a problem with the classic Sam & Diane (or Beatrice & Benedick if you want to go Much Ado About Nothing) trope which I suppose comes from the fact that it often comes off as really unhealthy.

Honestly, I wasn't being prescriptive... I just find that for guys like Larry Page to suggest people can work less, you actually have to have a societal structure that supports that and you really need to have that ironed out before you start blowing out large sections of the workforce like Google is attempting to

Honestly, I get the impression this isn't about what McDonalds should do, it's more about not liking McDonalds as a company.

I don't necessarily disagree with that premise at all. But until I see humans actually behave that way, I'm skeptical. Are we actually wired that way? How many survival instincts would you have to fight? Even in the socialism we've seen in societies, black markets have flourished there. Is it all need or is it a

Exactly. But that also means the only people with any agency left are the people that control the capital. So my question, generally owing to human nature is, is that a viable way for human beings to live and will they tolerate it? I don't know the answer, but I do know it's a question that probably needs to be

And if we do so, then it won't be an existential threat. But until we do, and it's a BIG assumption that we'll just wise up, people still need to eat. Their lack of a job they can get paid for represents an existential threat for a lot of people. But a human population in a capitalist service based economy? No, it

They posted an article on this. To the way the world works currently, it is very much an existential threat. If you can train a computer to learn, there are a lot of jobs that eventually disappear like: accounting, knowledge work, paralegals (hell, many lawyers), general practitioners, transportation, lots various

No, we're not asking for it.

Meh... I'm normally not this dismissive but if I have to tolerate power of love storylines to actually see science fiction I'm fine with it. What are my alternatives? Marvel?

I'm way late to this party. I would like to see a study on the number of people who actually hate watch more than one program though.

Worked for Stallone. About the only way you're going to get people to take a 5' something dude seriously as a heavyweight boxer.

Fans. It sort of begins and ends there for me. Yes, most franchises are built on quality stories but almost all the traits you could hurl at the franchises are often also present in the chaff. Fans paper over the rough edges of plot and world. Fans cross pollinate the culture making the environment work for a

Wow yes. That's probably the only character I've ever seen that I simultaneously feel bad for while absolutely hating and wishing he'll grow up yet feeling that if he did he's just inflict his neuroticism on someone decent.

I dunno. Historically that wasn't the case. In the 80's it was a trickle of Superman films every few years. That was it. Then late 80's to 90's it was Batman every few years until B&R. Then nothing until Marvel did X-Men and Spiderman. I'm forgetting where (Daredevil and Blade fit in timeline wise) And in

You're not the only one. But I was not overly impressed with the Avengers "everyone looks terrified" trailer either so by that logic this film will be amazing.. I also don't get the huge buzz some people do about hulk vs. hulkbuster. It's very much a "tick the box" and move on kind of thing for me.

So what you're saying is we're getting a romance arc?