
Scientists also suffer from many PR self-inflicted wounds. The idea that they can be heartless, thoughtless, or morally questionable tends to be on display either through reporting or what they actually have done historically. I don't even need to Godwin to prove that point.

Why specifically? I'm not particularly versed in the hormones required to carry a child to term and it would make sense, but then replicating hormones and a method of gestation is what's actually going on in this story and what a considerable amount of science has already studied.

Given. But until those sources of infection either stop on their own, that still means people visiting there or visiting here (the man from Dallas was inbound from Liberia) you are still constantly inviting what is going to be a known problem: people showing symptoms a week after they get here.

An overreaction any family member of someone who suffers the illness in the US would probably prefer had been taken though.

The problem is, some of those laws have already been overturned in court because libellous speech which you can sue over is not criminalized because that's considered to be the first domino that falls in the suppression of free speech. New York's high court struck down its anti-bullying law for that reason.

Congratulations. You have encapsulated my thoughts every time a Marvel movie comes out and I read about it here.

Sounds good in theory, but honestly I'd buy it with evidence. I mean we all probably have a number of "disorders" that don't really manifest or manifest as something that looks benign until its accompanied by something else.

Why though? It's the idea of deadlines that cause work to happen. You have the stretch goal and then science is forced to break through its current limitations to get there. Yea, a mission or two might flat out fail, but you have generated a lot of forward momentum in terms of engineering.

What I find myopic about this is the fact that athletics were historically a component of a well rounded education. That's just simple old school Renaissance Man stuff. The point of sports were not to break even and they have been traditionally subsidized because they ARE student enrichment activities. They are not

Beautiful analogy.

Ha. Well I don't know either of them personally. To me its just a business capitalizing on the name. Jordan's bad points were infidelity and gambling addiction. I'm just saying if either of them want to create a classy restaurant I think they should have the option. If a person thinks a wrestler is by definition

You also have the quandry of how are people qualifying attraction when they ask this question. Are men and women answering the question in the same way and arriving at different answers or are men and women answering differently based on socialization and interpretation of the question.

To be fair, Michael Jordan has a steakhouse. The issue is Hogan only allowing certain types of casual clothing in a casual restaurant. If he wanted to make it suit 'n tie, he's certainly free to do that.

Well that is one version of magical thinking that might counteract this - that is faith in a governmental change leads a feeling that other things can change. But I think you're simplifying things quite a bit. Remove nationalism and you STILL have an economy of individual actors with different amounts to gain or

MRA'ing really isn't my bag, but I know where the argument for this originally came from. When people were looking at issues of how society was oppressive to women, some came back and looked at how a lot of the little things influenced the status of men. Things like machismo and vixation on virility steered men

Completely unrelated to anything, but as I was reading this tangent it reminded me of Hubbard's "Never explain - Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway."

And that's why he's Draco in Leather Pants. You're using Mr. Fantastic levels of stretch right there. But no, the main difference between him and Ward is they actively set up a horrible father figure for Ward and he's less funny by a mile because he represents someone you might actually meet in real life. Other

You do realize this was a thread started with a picture of Loki right?

Except they can't protect that image anymore. It's painfully obvious to everyone (not sure how it wasn't before...but people seem shocked) at this point how permissive the culture is. Sure teams cut players all the time for things like this. But do you honestly think anyone is going to be getting a slap on the

Because you can either start doing it and be hypocritical or continue doing what they had been doing which was nothing and look like enablers of a bunch of man-children. That's harsher than I mean it to sound, but the day major sports teams start taking their medicine on this stuff, it's going to suck for fans