I think this episode hit new highs for incredible AHS nonsense.
I think this episode hit new highs for incredible AHS nonsense.
He’s currently touring in his one-man Mark Twain show, so must be better.
Thanks for the further details. You and Katie let us wallow in the crapulence of a stupid movie without wasting our time and money.
I love him so much and he keeps making such unwatchable boring trash. Fire your agent, Fassbender! Make something that will let you be sexy and charming, goddamnit.
Inspector Harry Hole? Hardly even know ‘er.
“The Snowman claims he gave us all the clues, but all I see are blue pawprints on that knife, that tophat, and that lady over there. Detective Steve, what do you make of this?”
What killed the dinosaurs?
Melancholia! The lovable movie with wacky John Hurt, hilariously bitter Charlotte Rampling, powerful Kristen Dunst and the complete destruction of all life on planet earth! Fun for all!
Do you also find Harry Hole’s friend Biggus Dickus’s name wisible?
“He also builds frowny-face snowmen (sans human heads) in the front yard of his victims’ houses, leading to multiple hilarious shots of disapproving snowmen overlaid with sinister music.”
Well Lore Bards in 5e can learns spells from any other spellcasting class at levels 6 and 10 so you could easily get Raise Dead and other necromancy spells that way.
Just saw Blondie last week, and they did a kickass punk arrangement of MHWGO
In 1995 somebody dubbed news reports from the Oklahoma City bombing into "Lightning Crashes" by Live. It remains high on my list of "you know, that was way tackier than y'all realize" things I've had to hear.
1). Did anybody else remember hearing "My Heart Will Go On" on the radio with dialog from the movie spliced into it?
I was always a Titanic buff and yeah, I loved how Cameron just nailed it perfectly in the sinking. The tech, the way it shatters and showing the panic, it really was amazing.
So many strange fluids gushing out of patients' bodies!
So many memories, both good and bad.