
Its purpose is so obvious that this article makes me angry.

Nah, see, that’s a false equivalence. Luke’s a terrible swordsman and force user in ep IV, but we see him practice and practice, and then he trains with Yoda, and then by ep VI he’s finally got the hang of it. But he struggles and fails all the time. He gets crushed in almost every significant encounter he has, until

the scientists also shined a special kind of light

Most people? Or just people you know? Cuz most people I know drink more than that.

Oh honey, no. No it’s not.

Ted Chiang’s short stories are among the most perfectly formed prose I have ever read. Meticulously constructed pieces of pure genius. Find a copy of “Stories of Your Life and Others”. I cannot recommend it enough.

Sorry man, but now all us educated white people are woke af, so we’re now experts on what’s racist or not. Also, as a straight man, I personally am a world expert on sexism, homophobia and transphobia. Just sit there, be quiet, and let us whitesplain to you why you’re out of line.

I learnt a new word. Thank you, kind Sir!

Almost? Or exactly?

Oh, I dunno. Most other developed nations have successfully banned handguns and semi-automatic rifles entirely (see: the UK or Australia, for instance) and/or treat guns like any other machine with the potential to cause death, like a car (by which I mean licencing, insurance, restrictions on purchase etc - see:

I have used both glasses and contacts, and am currently using glasses - but only because contacts are the teensiest bit of a faff and I’m a poorly organised, forgetful person. I kept forgetting they were in when going to bed and then waking up with itchy, sensitive eyes, unable to put new ones in for the rest of the

This has made the news everywhere. Not just the entertainment news, sometimes the actual headlines. Pretty sure their platform’s fine. They’ll probably just add a download link to their blank website on release day and watch the money gush in, with not a penny spent on conventional publicity. Smart guys.

I’ve worked on and off in the banking and finance sector for a good while now, and it terrifies me how hopelessly out-of-date banks’ systems are. Worked credit services for a top 5 UK retail bank for a summer, and every time I had to look up something for a customer request I had to open one of three (three!) Midas

... and they can’t mandate some cheap plastic covers on them because?

I’m betting she had gotten a bit sweaty under the ol’ armpits while in the crowd and only knows one dance move in heels:

bleah bleah bleah a statement embarrassingly exposing my inability to comprehend irony bleah bleah bleah some un-nuanced IWK nonsense bleah bleah bleah think of the children.

Kostya Tszyu was the Golovkin of his day. Brutal.

Same. It’s soooo frustrating when a series is halted mid-way through an arc. No catharsis, no resolution...

Log Horizon and DanMachi were both awesome, but I doubt we’ll get another season of either for quite a while: They’re based on light novel series, and were commissioned by the publishers to push people towards buying the books. They’ve both run out of most of the source material, so it’ll be at least another year

I pay roughly 8% of my income (under $500) to national insurance - well I say pay, it’s taken out of my pay automatically, so I don’t notice. I have free, unlimited, automatic, high quality healthcare. No matter what happens to me, I know I can go to any hospital in the country and get myself sorted out, without