
Yup.  That’s why I started writing a Barba fanfic.  Need to keep him alive somehow!  He was honestly the ONLY reason I was still watching.  I finally did watch some of the episodes after he left, but it just... wasn’t worth it.  I was also furious about how they wrote him out.  Make him a judge like his abuelita

As a survivor, I can safely say that Mariska Hargitay and Raul Esparza have more than once saved me from losing myself in the darkness of the aftermath of my assault. I will never not be grateful to the writers for this: “whether you’re a john in the South Bronx or a $3-million-a-year talk show host, no means no.”

I should in all fairness point out that the entire fic isn’t sex - there’s really only one chapter that’s VERY explicit.  But I feel like I did it well, and I’m probably going to work more of that into the sequel.

I have two. They’re very long. One is a sequel of the other. Please enjoy, and review if you wouldn’t mind. :)

Ughhhh I feel so old now!

Also I think that a lot of it depends where you live.  If you live in NYC or LA, you probably don’t bother so much with them because they are just members of the population.  But if they’re filming somewhere or on vacation where celebrities aren’t A Thing, they probably get hounded more.  I’ve

I mean, to each their own, but I find him attractive.

I have a soft spot for DWTS because it reminds me of my late grandmother. She and my grandfather were Arthur Murray instructors in their youth, and would go dancing every weekend. She died of Alzheimer’s but even when it started to get bad, she would watch this show with me and my mom (her daughter) and critique the

THIS.  I was an active participant in the Tumblr Hiddleston fandom at the height of it (see around 2014-2015) but the entitlement and infighting I saw was just unfathomable.  I remember there being a story about people following him to the tube in London and he actually had to tell them to back the fuck up.  The man

I mean, I find Tom Hiddleston sexy (I write Loki fanfiction that occasionally veers into sex, for crying out loud), and there’s no guarantee I wouldn’t go back to my AirBNB and indulge, but like... time and place?  It’s unfortunate that people were robbed of a once-in-a-lifetime (and expensive) experience because

It’s Law and Order SVU. It’s called “Contrapasso.” 

Oh, no, he was 145% being sarcastic. Like, he couldn’t believe how absurd the defense’s argument was (that the defendant had already suffered enough because his victim castrated him so he shouldn’t get a prison sentence for the rape), so Barba was like, “Welp, out with my plan, let’s just make this look as stupid as

I mean, it’s a TV show, so they took some dramatic license.  Real closings are never as exciting as what they show on television (nor as brief, in most cases).  The episode actually showed him having a written argument all prepared but after hearing the defense’s argument, he threw it out and responded with emotion

Holy shit.  I am so, so sorry that happened to you.  You deserved better from ALL the other parties involved. <3

That episode was insane, especially Barba’s closing argument, where he responds to the defense attorney for the guy on trial for rape of a minor’s argument that he should get a pass because he got his balls cut off by his victim a decade later and isn’t that bad enough? I got actual chills watching that (here’s the

This guy is a walking SVU episode.

Not only is the tweet offensive, it doesn’t even make sense. I know no normal people - men or women - who would think having a dick in their face against their will was “harmless fun.”

When I was in my mid-20s, just divorced, a friend of mine and I found out that a guy we both knew was two-timing both of us. He was in a band, and way too old to be dating either of us, but we eventually caught on to what he was pulling and decided to get even with him.

Hello, friends!

I always think about how the Obama daughters had sleepovers at the White House when they were kids, and how Dorky Dad probably came in and disrupted things from time to time (probably to the delight of their friends but the eternal embarrassment of his kids), and then I think about Barron, who appears to be isolated

I don’t know why, but I have such a soft spot for Barron. It’s weird, because we never see him, but maybe that’s why I feel the way I do. I watched the inauguration coverage (in my pajamas with a strong cocktail) and the only time I remember feeling anything but dread was when they had some sort of big “Trump gets to