
Lololololol jokes about violence against women!

There’s an obvious answer but it feels mean to say it.

Why are people who make a career out of something most people desperately try to avoid, physical combat, so aggressive?

Are the idiots because they are MMA fighters or are they MMA fighters because they’re idiots? Ponder the underlying question.

Repeated blows to the head. Substance abuse. Abusive relationships. Emotional issues. et cetera.

tl:dr obvious answer...people that go into combat sports aren’t the brightest bulbs to begin with and a steady diet of head trauma makes them even dumber.

So, facebook didn’t do anything you didn’t give it permission to do. It’s not like it actually posted your slideshow, without you knowing. Love the smell of sensationalism in the morning!

Um no, you almost leaked your secret relationship. You gave Facebook access to your photo stream, and then you would have had to press “publish.” It’s one thing for Facebook to be making the slideshows automatically it’s another if you accidentally post something...

Counterpoint: OK Go is great and this sucks.

But I -like- their videos. It’s a nice change of pace from the usually insane music videos put out now.

Agreed. Maybe it’s not “novel” anymore, but it’s still really impressive.

I guess in lieu of making something people actually like, you can intentionally under-perform and call it really edgy satire. I know when I’m insecure about the results of my efforts, I sometimes self-sabotage them - for example, if I’m making a piece of functional furniture and I want it to turn out way better than I

“No one is impressed by your dumb choreographed videos, OK Go.”

I bought this one based on all the positive reviews it gets, but it just didn’t work for me. When it was around my neck, I felt like it was choking me (possibly because I have an enlarged thyroid, so any pressure on my throat bothers me).

I bought this one based on all the positive reviews it gets, but it just didn’t work for me. When it was around my

“But if you don’t want to visit a chiropractor after landing...”

“But if you don’t want to visit a chiropractor after landing...”

Slade Smiley is the jeans and going-out top of people.

How could you forget the classiest accessory of them all?

much wow

much wow

But if she had learned her lesson, why post a picture of her daughter's competitor? What purpose does that serve? So we can all tell her "you're soooo right - your kid was robbed! look at that ugly infant! ewwwww!!!" If Tracie had actually learned a lesson in maturity and self-reflection, she should have

No, you're not alone. The whole thing gave me a strong case of the sads. And I find it hard to believe that the parents of the baby who won the contest would be okay with having their daughter's photo on the internets, along with snarky comments about her looks. Sorry, but Thatz Not Cool.