
That’s only reasonable if I never want to watch that video content. Occasionally, I’ll actually want to see a video, so blocking it completely isn’t helpful. Also, if I have to spot-block it after visiting the web page each time I visit, that sort of defeats the point of trying to stop the auto-play: I don’t want to

Interesting — I always just considered Nihon to be the common name and Nippon to be an extra polite official or legal name.

Uh, where’s the Scorpion one?

Uh, where’s the Scorpion one?

That’s an interesting idea — opting in to what’s essentially a verified-mark program with special server access. I would worry about the publisher more aggressively pushing people that way and degrading the non-verified experience, but other than that I could see the sense in a program like that.

I’m very certain that most companies already have clauses in their TOS documents about cheating. They probably don’t have specific dollar amounts, but I’m sure they allow the publisher to sue someone for breaking that rule.

Yep, that’s one of the changes they made — letting you use the control stick in place of the motion controls.

The stamina system in Skyward Sword was, more than any other aspect, the most annoying part of the game for me. . . can they just remove that, please? :-P

Those frame rates actually seem pretty bad considering how low-quality the game has to go. Like, 8 GB of RAM and 1GB of VRAM from a dedicated card isn’t that horrible for an out-of-date regular web-browsing computer, and yet the game looks like it’s being run on the monitor from a toaster.

I actually don’t mind this device at all — it seems like a good use of technology to restrain people with what’s probably a lower chance of serious injury than a tazer. If it’s used with maturity, restraint, proper training, and in a way that reduces the number of people killed or seriously injured, than I’m okay with

That man sat beside the car as he works on his laptop looks like the most uncomfortable man in the world.

Eh, maybe I’m weird, but I don’t see this as too big of a deal — most likely because Pokemon Go is not a game that really pushes immersive storytelling and a cohesive aesthetic that would be annoyingly damaged by ad balloons. If this were about more story-driven games, and completely broke the immersion of those

Even though I ended up watching the whole thing, I agree that writing-wise, the show is very generic (I’ve never read the manga, so I’m not sure if the writing gets a boost later on). I’d put My Hero Academia distinctly above it in writing and story — and that show, while entertaining, is certainly far from the best.

Clearly, after that other guy in Manhattan got off, this guy just didn’t have enough money. . .

I’ve been fairly unimpressed with the vast majority of the reboot so far, but this episode, and the next two after it, were good returns to form. I just wish they had used some of these story concepts earlier in the show to better establish the characters and perhaps make the earlier evolutions more meaningful.

How about turning down your bias and fanboyism a bit? You may have not enjoyed Ash’s opinion on Nintendo’s presenation, but a lot of people will disagree.

I absolutely called it. For literal years I’ve thought that not only were the motion controls in SS were not particularly complex enough to be a problem when porting it, but also that the most sensible way to port it — especially since the game didn’t use dual-stick movement and camera controls — would be to simply

I love this — and I’m not quite sure exactly why. I guess it’s just hilarious that all these celebrity stock market gurus and purported experts can be knocked off balance so easily by a fandom.

I can’t find it online, but I distinctly remember there being something like this that used the Wolfenstein 3D engine to automatically generate an image gallery for a group of images. I remember it being a web application, probably one that used Unity.

YouTube videos where the page has already been loaded still appear to play, but upon a refresh directs to that error page.

While they’re at it, they need to pair the white interior on a Mazda 3 with the hatchback body — the white is only available on the sedan and the red is only on the hatchback (despite showing an image of the white interior on the webpage for the hatchback!).