
“a spokesperson pointed out that since the outbreak last April, the company had added walk-through temperature scanners and workstation dividers to the facility, on top of mandatory mask-wearing and social distancing requirements”

And yet, the ends of the markers are not visible in the frame! We cannot easily deduce their true size! Are they very long and thin pens, or are they markers? :-P

Haha yeah. For me, the hardest by far was the Abhorrent Beast in the Chalice Dungeons — I legit probably fought him like 50 times or more. Lawrence at the end of The Old Hunters was a close second.

You got me curious, so I looked up a video. Initially, I honestly thought these were tiny, only like one inch long, but they do seem to be closer to regular Twinkie size.

Wow, the objects in that picture are amazingly hilariously unhelpful for establishing an actual sense of scale. Like, those scissors look like they could be for toddlers; notebooks can be a variety of sizes, as can fanny-packs; and and not only is a Pokeball a fictional device with an unfamiliar size, but this one

From what I’ve seen, this mod for the PC version seems to be the best option beside the original PS2 version. I’m not sure how well emulated PS2 versions hold up (other than using the PS3 to play the PS2 game via backward compatibility). The PS3 remasters were a mess, though. Most of the worst problems were patched

No joke, these are the sort of forward-thinking solutions that should be receiving boosts of funding, and eventually deployment, via the federal government. If the current administration really cared about fighting this pandemic head-on, they’d support efforts like these.

This is just another ploy to make the eventual transition to being ruled by robot overlords more gradual and imperceptible. Once we accept black-hooded figures with obviously fake faces as normal, how long until the person behind the mask is swapped out without us realizing it?!!

A few years ago, I made it a point to watch all the individual Digimon short films by themselves, and then followed that by watching the American Digimon: The Movie. I came away with two main thoughts:

I’ve previously worked for a stock image company and tattoos were one of the basic legal issues that we had to make sure were accommodated for within photographs. Basically, if a person within a photograph had a discernable tattoo that seemed custom or elaborate enough, we would require that the party submitting the

The important question here should be “why?”. Why do they reduce eye-strain? Since no study has ever found blue-light-blocking filtration on glasses to actually improve visual acuity or clarity, my best guess is simply that, because the glasses are blocking out so much of a common wavelength of light, that they end up

The important question here should be “why?”. Why do they reduce eye-strain? Since no study has ever found

I would normally order my consoles from Best Buy, but the last time I ordered a game from there, I received a notice less than three days later that there was suspicious activity on my credit card. One of the multiple suspicious orders was for the special edition version of the exact same product I had just ordered,

I would normally order my consoles from Best Buy, but the last time I ordered a game from there, I received a notice

What I heard was that red light activated your eyes’ response to light less. So, instead of your eyes trying to dim everything, which would make it harder to then see at night, viewing mostly or only red light would allow your eyes to remain more sensitive to other types of light — not impairing your night vision.

If a site in 2020 is going to make a slide-show-style article, please at least try to update it to modern standards of usability like most other sites with that type of article do. Why can’t I navigate via the directional arrows? Why can I not choose to view the whole article as one page? Why are the navigational

Can you ride on them? That was the one feature that piqued my interest when I saw trailers for the Let’s Go games. Riding on Snorlax was hilarious. :-P

That’s if they know who he is. Racism knows few, if any, bounds. Many celebrities and their families have experienced racism at the hands of police who didn’t recognize them at the time. It’s easy for police to receive a call about a suspicious “black kid in a hoodie” in an area and to detain someone like him.

I think you’re assuming Imran’s suggestion of the game reckoning “with the fact that police would treat Miles Morales differently from Peter Parker” meant that in terms of Morales while he’s Spider-Man. Instead, I think the more reasonable assumption is that Miles Morales, as a black kid in America, might himself

Now playing

Huh? In the broadcast they had a decent chunk of nothing but clips of racing against other vehicles via the cockpit view. Watch the whole video here:

I’d just like to throw my suggestions out there: Death Note and Ghost in the Shell: SAC. They’re both solid, amazingly written entertaining shows that require absolutely no prior knowledge of or experience with anime to appreciate. I’ve successfully convinced many people who never normally would’ve considered watching

It’s a shame Digimon was stopped — it was just ramping up. Still, obviously, they’re all just shows and I’m happy the companies are prioritizing people’s health over money.