
The cost of that 3D scanning rig has probably been covered multiple times over by the media attention it brings every time they use it to add another celebrity to the game.

Who knew Gran Turismo was so realistic!

I hope, if they release this game in the US, that they keep that kanji quiz game. I’d love another method/excuse to practice Japanese.

This is not a true self-driving car, though. The Tesla “Autopilot” feature is nowhere even close to full-on whole-car autonomous driving systems being tested by Google, Uber, and others — and those more substantial systems have still had their fair share of accidents.

Add the 188 HP engine and AWD from the outgoing Juke and I’d absolutely be interested in this. The Kicks is fairly bland, and I was majorly disappointed when they replaced the original Juke with it. I loved that they had that 215 HP Juke Nismo RS too.

I’ve, no joke, heard of people sneezing when getting aroused, but never a nose-bleed. It’s actually apparently been reported on by a sister site, Splinter News.

When I read that, my first thought was how it seemed like if that single officer didn’t recognize him, and/or didn’t happen to live in his neighborhood, the situation most likely would have become significantly worse. It was basically pure luck that resolved the situation so quickly. Most others who are Swatted don’t

Ah, interesting! That said, what I’m really wondering is why his name is “Onion” in Japanese.

When I visited, I did this on my own based on locations in the Digimon animated series. I basically re-traced the steps of the show via Google Maps and then went there myself. Later, I found the website writer Chiaki Konaka set up for all the extra commentary on the season he wrote and saw that he had pointed out

I’m not sure about that “sharing contact info” test. . .

“1968 video camera”

There are plenty of gameplay mechanics that could be used to balance the actual power of lightsabers with the challenge of the game.

Originally it was talked about as a secondary release, but it was later basically confirmed to be a main-series release:

Now playing

Are we sure the name isn’t a pun on Atari’s Night Driver?

I’ve had great success with using W.O.D. Welder’s Solid Salve on my feet to keep them moisturized and healthy overnight. It’s supposed to be used for calluses on people’s hands as a result of them working out with weights a lot, but it works awesome with feet too.

I’ve had great success with using W.O.D. Welder’s Solid Salve on my feet to keep them moisturized and healthy

Wait, since part of the grand prize meant that the design in question would be featured in the next games, does that mean that no design will take its place? Also, why not just move all of the legitimate entrants up one spot and then still award the prize?

I feel like Chinese/Japanese/Korean names, when written in English, should be written in the English-conventional “given name–surname” order.

Are apples a sex thing to some people?

You’re right about “Avon”, but “Fuji” doesn’t mean “mountain”. Actually, its true meaning is still up for debate, but whatever it is, it definitely doesn’t mean mountain.

It’s a shame they messed up the Elantra, though. The previous body style was well-proportioned and even bordered on stylish. The new one, especially its front end, has dropped back to looking like an over-styled economy car again. I feel like they tried to do something interesting with the headlights overlapping into