
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve always thought the menu text in BotW was waaaay too small for handheld mode. There’s a bunch of tiny numbers and dots that made it just a little too hard to navigate comfortably for me. While this zoom mode is a partial solution, I definitely see why this was added.

There at least was that war described in Pokemon X/Y.

Are there any similar pairings of Extensions/Apps for Firefox? I mean, I’m sure I could look up some, but are there recommended ones?

My hope is that they re-relase it in a similar way to how they re-relased Wind Waker. That is, by tweaking and re-working the game to make it better, and by removing certain tedious tasks from the game to make it more coherent overall.

From an emulation or modding standpoint, I’d imagine it would be incredibly hard to try to translate the input from the Wii Remote/Motion Plus controllers into another form.

If the battery life is two hours at 4k/30, how long is the battery life when recording at 1080p/60 or 1080p/30?

I thought it was that the standard Pro Controller had more input lag when plugged in, the wireless Switch JoyCon controllers had a little less, and the wired GCN controllers via the adapters had the least amount of lag.

You know, for the past two generations of Mazda 3 and extending to the concept car version of this generation I was all on-board with the hatchbacks compared to the sedans. They were easily the better looking of the two options. Even with the current preview image on Mazda’s website that shows the rear ends of the two

Rayman, Klonoa, Zero (Mega Man), Marina Liteyears, Bomberman, Neku (TWEWY), Tails. . .

There are a bunch of good sites discussed here in the comments, but one I haven’t seen is

I feel like the common “no prewashing” tip doesn’t exactly work well unless you run your dishwasher daily. If I have dishes covered in cheese residue, I’m not letting them sit in a dark, damp, humid box for three to four days — I’m rinsing them off with hot water and making sure there’s as little residue as reasonably

I feel like most, if not all, of the functionality of the motion controls could be replicated by dedicating the right control stick on the Switch to sword movement. The Wii lacked dual analogue sticks, which is why there weren’t many reasonable alternatives on that console, but with the Switches’ default controllers

I have an older (relatively speaking) phone, so I’m not sure, but could you stack methods in any more recent phones? For example, could you use a fingerprint-unlocking method first, followed by a PIN? Or a facial recognition unlock followed by fingerprint, followed by PIN? Or a pattern followed by PIN, etc?

Aside from the obvious plagiarism, . . . holy crap is his writing bad!

Yay — I’m glad you’re able to come back!

As much as Tri was extremely disappointing toward the latter half, I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t keep watching whatever is released that canonically follows these characters. . .

The most important parts of this world are built by people who have never and will never use a public bathroom, and it is ridiculous if this does not make you angry.

I’ve worked as a commercial stock image reviewer before, and one of the elements we were required to screen images for was graffiti. Any significantly definable graffiti in a photograph would necessitate that a legal release be submitted alongside the image. We would make some exceptions for extremely generic

The narrator in the video mentions this.

I’d love to see Digimon if not just for the absolute pandemonium it would cause. It would be completely unexpected.