
Thinking about it a bit, this isn’t a bad way to use folding screens.

Yet, many of the most confusing decisions regarding removing manuals as an option are happening in the realm of dedicated sports cars. That the 2 Series, the only real purpose of which is to be a less practical sportier version of the 4 Series, might be losing its manual is just odd.

Now playing

Oddly, they had another video out yesterday about the music or something that was way tonally different -- “Driving is for everyone”:

I never understood people thinking of Keanu Reeves as a good Spike. Nothing against the guy, I just don’t think he fits the role as well as others.

I see what you mean, yeah. I wouldn’t go quite as far as to assume the existence of some kind of coverup, but it does sort of feel like Nintendo didn’t quite think the DLC packs would be valuable enough on their own and went scrounging for bits and pieces to add to this first release.

Don’t forget that the DLC that’s the topic of this post is only a part of the package that’s releasing later in the year. Basically, they planned one DLC package for $20 and are releasing it two pieces: one with the small stuff (map upgrade, challenge levels, hard mode, masks) this summer and one with the bigger stuff

Cool, thanks! I remember seeing that it would have a limited theater run before, but wasn’t sure when it would happen.

Ah, thanks for reminding me!

People keep recommending Your Name but, last I checked, it’s not available (legally) outside of Japan yet. This is like the fifth article on Gawker/Gizmodo/Kinja sites I’ve read that told me I absolutely had to see this movie, but outside of illegal streaming, fan subs, and watching it without understanding what’s

When Clarkson says it, it sounds more like “Nih-sin” to me.

Does this mean we’re in for a flood of tablet ports?

Nah, not doing it for me. While I like the back-end here (it’s largely the same as the previous model year) I like the ‘15–’17 front-end better. This new one seems like what it would look like if Jaguar built a branded version of a Honda Accord Coupe.

The twist: This was all actually rendered in Kojima’s new game engine.

The more I look at it, the more that product shot of the back of a person’s head and the hair-clock composed in the same weird frame looks like some piece of experimental modern art photography.

I have the MDR-V6 model, which is virtually identical to the 7506es save the professional label and support. In the past, they’ve only ever shocked me when I decided to attach them to two audio extension cables extended across my room so I could have them wired to my PC while lying in bed. I’m not sure why lying down

Another “holy grail” item is apparently the level three/30% boost Guidance rune, which is also listed as being found in Chalice Dungeons, but has yet to be discovered.

The CGI was definitely well done and better than any other movie with similar effects I can remember. Still, I knew immediately something felt off with Tarkin’s mouth movements, the way his skin moved when he talked, and the way light fell on his skin. I felt the same about the one scene with Leia. It would probably

I love that guy at 1:20 – he delicately closes the doors, steps to the side, and then the car just smashes through.

So, that dude was speeding, drives over a yellow parking space divider, opens his car door, walks toward the police officer with a bag in hand, moves within what looks to be a foot or less of the officer’s face, makes a bunch of excuses about why he was speeding, opens up multiple doors and compartments on his car