
Because she’s a writer and I’ll wager she’s never built or supported computers in her lifetime.

“mispronounce the name of a certain German carmaker incorrectly”

No Kingdom Hearts timeline? It must be too much even for the experts. . .

There’s also the consideration of timliness relative to the release of the game upon consumers. In other words, in order for a review to be most useful to consumers as an informational tool, they need to be released as soon as possible so that the consumers have a chance to read the review before they buy the game.

If it can churn out 4K graphics on a little handheld monitor, the Switch should easily be able to handle a 4K television, which has a lower pixel density and actually requires less graphics oomph from a CPU and GPU.

I’m getting a very “blonde Three Stooges” vibe from those haircuts. I guess there’s no Curley, but still. . .

The best answer is actually to have a selector in the car that the primary occupant/owner can use to toggle between the two options. If someone is feeling particularly humanitarian, they can select to “save the children”, if not then they can choose to save themselves. It’s an easy out for the automakers: just let the

Oh, yes, I did read it wrong. That makes sense now, thanks.

Ah, OK — that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation!

Wait, as I’m thinking about this, wouldn’t the end result of this feature be that the ratios of different types of Pokemon you see would stay exactly the same as they are now? So, if you’re already catching a bunch of the same type because that’s generally all that is available in your area, you can now. . . expect to

I’ve been offered five dollars “off of” the price of a product I just bought by the manufacturer if I wrote a review. I put quotes there because the money would apparently just be a five dollar credit applied to my Amazon account, which to me seems like they would essentially be paying me five bucks in direct exchange

This just calls for a specialized race class centered around either this car or “fan cars” in general.

The narrator told me to leave and come back when I found a 4K display. I don’t know of any nearby and it might be a year or two from now, at least, before I consider buying one.

Well, I was pretty annoyed that this update hadn’t shown up at all for me yet. . .

I remember the No Plans Watch tag, which was simultaneously boring and critical of how companies would respond to inquiries with non-responses of having “no plans” to do something at that time.

So, sort of like a calzone, except cylindrical? I guess that could work – until you start eating and it either falls through or becomes stuck in the cupholder. The solution then would be to have a custom container to hold the cylinder-sandwich, where the bottom coulld be pushed upward like a giant syringe, in order to

They have that available, but it depends on the movie. Creed is actually listed as available for 48 hours after the viewer begins watching, and I’ve seen others that have 3-day rental periods.

They have that available, but it depends on the movie. Creed is actually listed as available for 48 hours after the

Yeah, Windows 10 does let you pin folders to the Quick Access section of Explorer as well as the Start menu, which is definitely nice. Oddly, though, it doesn’t let you pin folders to the task bar, which I would assume most people would end up using more frequently than the Start menu.

... and the list of OS X features I’d like to see natively available on Windows continues to decrease.

Yeah, I mean they specifically didn’t use the results from those who answered the questions incorrectly. It seems like they’re trying to devise teaching strategies for those who are already successful, as opposed for those who are actually having the hardest time.