
People seem to very frequently forget that Snake’s Japanese voice actor, Akio Ōtsuka, has remained the same the whole time whether playing Solid or Big Boss. The one and only exception to this was having Akio’s own father voice Big Boss in MGS4, which made sense given the father–son dynamic in the game. Big Boss in

Two questions:

Until Tesla and other makers of full-electric automobiles can figure out a way to accomodate those who don’t have the ability to plug a car in at their homes at night, then it won’t matter how inexpensive or desirable their cars will be – many people simply won’t be able to reasonably live with such a vehicle.

Most likely only after they’ve been transferred to Bank (or maybe from Bank into Sun/Moon and then back to Bank), though.

Simple solutions:

Or being able to tag someone’s post with [citation needed].

Kojima doesn’t need to shave his beard anymore!

Wait – maybe that’s it! Ash is actually ascetic toward his Pokemon training, where he’ll intentionally lose battles or forget basic strategy in order to keep himself humble.

That’s some major formality there – waiting for the other guy to stop his truck, then walk around to pull out a stick from the truckbed. Bat-man had plenty of chances to attack, but he held off.

This guy approves.

The two questions that immediately come to mind are: how long to they last and how much do they cost?

It looks sort of Zone of the Enders-ish. I mean, I know they’re from the same artist, but still.

Badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers badgers. . .

“Liquid Mettle”

I love how all the rumors as to why he’s not doing the movie are different. We have:

Since there is apparently no level cap in this game, I wonder if you could beef up your character to take out most enemies in one punch anyway. I guess there’s more of a limit this time because of the lack of skill points, but still. I bet it would take less then three years of (real-life) training (read: gameplay)

I’m not sure if I’d agree that they’re terrible in quality, but they do have a particularly sensitive high end that seems to pick up way more background noise in any given environment than most other microphones, even when set to a cardioid pattern.

One solution would be to note the version or patch number alongside a review and to highlight when such a review’s version or patch number is no longer the most recent release.

Super Saiyan Cyan!